My Absolute Favorite Book for Cancer Survivors

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You need to heal from cancer physically - that is obvious (right?)
But you also need to heal from cancer emotionally

That second piece is neglected by so many and it's heartbreaking. Here's the truth -

You were not meant to navigate a cancer diagnosis. You are pre-programmed knowing how to do this.

If you are struggling mentally or emotionally, don’t feel bad. You have not failed. You are not alone.

Cancer recovery is complex but you really need a 3 pillar approach
Recovery Nutrition
Targeted Exercise
Transformational Mindset

Each area needs it's own attention. So - if you want to get started right now, today, then start with my FREE resource - "15 Cancer Recovery Recipes for Women."

Get yours for FREE, right now! You can do this, survivor sister. I'm here to help.

Click the link in my bio to get your free copy now.

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Рекомендации по теме

I love your videos, you have helped me understand, what my friend that I've been helping though his treatments, he doesn't want to know what's to come so I try telling him things I have learned from your videos, thank you so every much I can't thank you enough, I would love one of your books


Well, if we have good role models like you our mindset will be supercharged vs some random person coming up and telling you 'it is all in the mind' or just have faith...Easy to tell someone that when they have no skin in the game, so to speak...


I mean, I have faith...What I need is a shoulder to lean on...Not a fake person who acts like a non-feeling robot when adversity hits you...
