A Femme Fatale Christmas Volume I: The Soca Parang Edition

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Parang is a style of folk music hailing from Venezuela, but brought to Trinidad and Tobago. The Venezuelan migrants who brought parang music over to Trinidad, were not only Spanish, but mixed with African and Amerindian as well. Parang is known for sweet melodies composed with a set of specific instruments such as the: cuatro, guitar, mandolin, violin, bandolin, box bass, the maracas (also known as the "chac-chac") and the wood block. Although parang is a traditional folk music style, one theme that remains evident across the board, is is the theme of Christmas and New Years'. One might even say that parang songs are just Trinidadian Christmas Carols!

To actually go "paranging" is to go from house to house (usually on Christmas eve in the U.S) and sing songs/play instruments straight up acoustically, or to a parang track playing in the background. Aka Christmas caroling with a little more oomph! At a "parang" or one of the stops along the route of homes, there is usually a spread of popular holiday season foods like: black cake or rum cake, ham, and sweet bread. These foods are washed down with drinks like: sorrel and ginger beer. Homemade Trini goodness! One who listens to this mix, will learn about all of these delectable delights, as a lot of the songs are about going from house to house, and consuming these amazing dishes.

A Femme Fatale Christmas Vol. I: The Soca Parang Edition is mixed by one half of the new upcoming female DJ duo, Femme Fatale Sound's, very own Keisha Cassette, who is in fact half-Trinidadian. She grew up paranging, or at least being babysat, while her Trinidadian mother was out all night, enjoying the festivities with family and friends. This mix features songs by many heavy hitters in the Parang sub-genre such as the legendary: Scrunter, Baron, Kenny J, Bindley B and more. It also has several "breaks" or parang instrumentals, that are good for playing instruments to. Whether you're out enjoying the holiday season with pals or at home, this mix is totally parang-proof! Pull out your cuatro and your chac-chacs ladies and gents!

1. Despacito Parang - Los Alumnos De San Juan
2. Merry Christmas - Crazy
3. Leroy - Scrunter
4. Madame Jefferey - Scrunter
5. It Christmas Again - Baron
6. Crown Him - Baron
7. Silver Bells - Unknown Trinidad Parang Artist
8. Ginger Beer Jam - Da Spirits
9. De Paint Brush - Kenny J
10. Santa Looking For A Wife - Bindley Benjamin
11. Midnight Parang - Marc Daniel
12. Black Cake x Sorrel - Da Spirits
13. Aloes Wine - Kenny J
14. Annie - Rome
15. Come Go - Baron
16. Spanish Woman - Baron
17. El Caiman - Santa Rosa Serenaders
18. We Come Out to Dance - Susan Macio
19. Santa Say - Bindley Benjamin
20. Play the Parang Soca - Bindley Benjamin
21. Soca Parang Nice - Leon Coldero
22. Come Party - Crazy
23. Ruction - Trini Barbie
24. One Hot Christmas - Lauren Lal
25. De Parang Now Start - Scrunter
26. Anita - Scrunter
27. Bring Out De Ham - Marcia Miranda
28. Black Cake Lover - Sugar Aloes
29. Liar Liar - Incredible Myron B
30. Ron - Leon Coldero
31. What Is Christmas? - Bunji Garlin
32. Caroline - Ziggy Rankin’
33. Esta Fiesta - Lil’ Bitts
34. House to House - General Grant
35. Tantie Eulyn - Blazer
36. Christmas Medley - Ginja
37. H20 Phlo Christmas - H20 Phlo
38. Trini Christmas Is De Best - Susan Macio
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