I Built Xianyun in One Day, She Changed the Meta Forever

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Today I was able to get my hands on Xianyun, the newest 5 star Anemo Character in Genshin Impact released in version 4.4 AKA Cloud Retainer. She is actually very fun to play, and in my opinion worth the wishes. As a former Xiao main, it was really nice to bring my Xiao back to the spotlight and who know? Maybe I'll main him again.

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Not Genshin Impact Leaks, or Genshin Impact Reacts, but a Genshin Impact Challenge. If I Die, I Roll kind of video. This is a not a Genshin Impact Reincarnated into a newbie with one thing in mind, but a Genshin Impact Co op funny moments video.

More About Genshin Impact:
Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed and published by miHoYo. The game features a fantasy open-world environment and action-based battle system using elemental magic and character-switching, and uses gacha game monetization for players to obtain new characters, weapons, and other resources. The game is online-only and features a limited multiplayer mode allowing up to four players to play together. It was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Android and iOS on September 28, 2020. Genshin Impact is also planned to release on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 5; playability of the PlayStation 4 version on PlayStation 5 via backward compatibility was added on November 11, 2020.

Genshin Impact takes place in the fantasy world of Teyvat, which is home to seven distinct nations, each of which is tied to an element and ruled by a god associated with it. Inspired by Moga, itsPaikon, and JavaTheCup. The story follows a twin, referred to as the Traveler, who has traveled across many worlds with their twin but has become separated from them by an unknown god in Teyvat. The Traveler travels across Teyvat in search of the lost sibling with their companion Paimon and becomes involved in the affairs of the other nations, gods, and the world.

The game received a generally positive reception, with critics praising the combat and open-world freedom, while some criticism was raised at its endgame. The game received generally positive reviews, with critics praising the combat and open-world, while others criticized its shallow endgame and monetization model. A commercial success, the game grossed over $2 billion in its first year of release.

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Xianyun brings a completely different playstyle to the picture, so it's really refreshing to use a lot of different teams with her to see their plunging attack potential.

I'll definitely be wishing for her on my Anemo Only account.


I seriously can't build any character that fast, ur amazing


The new boss is actually easy if you use the right element


Diluc actually has the highest plunge DMG! (If you didn’t know and Xiao being 2nd)


As the Greek Philosopher said "To Xiao or not to Xiao, that is the question"


I just realised the new world may be in the next phase of spiral abyss


Her best F2P weapon is probably Oathsworn Eye, if your have it from the Enkanomiya Event.


The best way to get the chunks off the turtles is to plunge attack


I pull for her on two accounts. Three, actually, but having her in third account is not priority. I already got her in dedicated account for playing her. 76 pity, very first 5 star character. Then I decided to pull for her weapon and got it at 34 pity too.

On my main account, I still didn't get her, but I have guaranteed pull and currently am at 50 pity, so she will fly home. But I managed to already get C6 Faruzan, from C4 I had. Got one Gaming too. Now every Faruzan or Noelle will give me one more wish. And every Gaming will be amazing too. I wish I could get her already, so I can try to get her weapon in here as well... but I doubt I will have any real chances.

She is very fun to play character, both for combat and exploration. Despite haters saying how useless she is etc, she is actually amazing. Doomposters in a nutshell. So detached from reality, lol.

Yanfei breaks the new materials similarly how she breaks other crystals. One skill, two charged attacks and a little bit left.

I am actually surprised that You didn't know her kit beforehand. I thought people like You would know leaks and stuff, at least from beta.
Also she doesn't want EM. It's very very far in the priority. She wants primarily an ATK. And not just "ATK Anemo Crit". She wants Triple ATK. Optionally one ER.


Btw there is a faster way to the boss u just need to teleport to the statue of the seven then the direction of the boss and then just jump down 😊


the best pieces for her is actually song of days past for artifacts. next best 5 star weapon would probably be skyward atlas which is what i have on her or eye of perception for a f2p 4 star weapon. also for artifacts you do need crit dam and crit rate and also attack, em and er are helpful but not needed the most if u want her to do damage. thats what ive found out by playing her anyways.


What was funny was when this character banner was up a did a singular pull and got Gaming


i saw a vid of someone with c6, and he had like 10 of her skills because of it, and by time he used them, they were back again, she's so broken


I feel very lucky that the Xianyun boss always gave me 3 instead of just 2.


She got my Xiao’s damage up to 200k 🥰 Xiao mains are eating well.


I actually got her today without wanting to or expecting to and I got her my spending only 1 wish for the first time too🤩


Man u not looking at her talents&passive and using sacreficial giving me anxieties 😵‍💫


I wished over 100 times and only got 1 gaming and c1 xianyun and C15 NOELLLEEE😭


Cryo can briefly freezes the boss for some reason.
Good for buying you time to move away before it nukes you


btw voltyea you have to freeze it during hydro phase then melt it so it gets paralyzed and you can do your damage
