EASY Double Stand for 40 Gallon Breeder Tanks [DIY]

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‎ Get these pre-made steel shelves for an easy DIY rack to hold your 40 gallon breeder tanks!

▶ 40-gallon breeder aquariums (buy them cheap during the $1 per Gallon sale at Petco)
(You can try looking for it elsewhere based on the model # MR3618BWG, but make sure the dimensions are correct, each shelf is rated to hold 1000 lbs, and it's made out of heavy-duty steel.)
▶ Particle board




At Aquarium Co-Op, we focus on your aquariums. We specialize in freshwater tropical fish, aquatic plants, and the overall betterment of the freshwater fish keeping hobby. Our goal is to help you with your first pet fish and graduate you to an advanced aquarium hobbyist. If you'd like to take it to the next level, subscribe to Aquarium Co-Op and check out our weekly videos.

Cory McElroy is employed by Aquarium Co-Op LLC. He also owns Aquarium Co-Op LLC. Therefore, all content is sponsored by Aquarium Co-Op.

0:00 - Why I like these aquarium racks
0:59 - What parts you need to set up a rack
3:06 - Setting up new aquarium racks
11:29 - Outro

#FishTank #FishBreeding #Aquarium
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You are the best! I am a broke college student and thought I was gonna spend ALL of my money on a tank stand! This is incredibly helpful!!!


Just wanted to say I saw this video beginning of 2015. I bought those racks and 4 years later they are going strong. The particle board still looks great, recently moved them into a bigger room. I have bought the racks since and they are totally worth it! Easy and fast put together. Love them. Thank you. So glad so many of your old videos are popping up today. Lol.


This was my first Aquarium Co-Op video I ever watched. You've come a long way since Cory. Keep it up!


More people need to see this. It's what anyone planning a fish room needs to know about


This is the single most useful YouTube video I have ever seen. What a fantastic idea! Love the stand and the tips on easy assembly!


Holy smokes, I love this!
I was wondering how I was going to fit some more tanks in my tank room without having to go crazy building custom shelving and stands. This is quite ingenious!


Bought my 40 G Breeder from PetSmart today. This video is every where on forums highly recommending this stand, Thanks.


Great idea for people who don’t want to build one! If it’s going in your house like mine and you’re handy and have the tools, I highly recommend building one out of 2x4’s (tons of how-to’s here on YT) it’s nice to be able to customize it with shelves and most importantly wrapping it with some wood to make it look nice. If you really want it to be nice you could look into veneer or get walnut plywood. You won’t regret it.


Thanks to you I just bought two 40 gallons because of this video!!


Thats some real good racking and gives a nice clean finish to the tanks. Nice to see a product do what its meant to soo well and so easily !


funny thing was that right when you mentioned the hardest part about this build was convincing plp you live with, i was just thinking of a wall the wife wont mind me using ahaha thanks for the vid :)


Great video.  I love this idea much better than messing with lumber. If you get tired of the aquariums, you still have shelves.  Brilliant idea, young man. Thanks again.


I use a 6' X 18" version of this stand that supports double 125 gallon tanks. Took me all of 5 minutes to install!


The 40 Breeder is my absolute favorite tank too! 🙂


Checking in all these years later, to add that these stands are still a great deal at Menards


went out and bought this as soon as i saw this. petsmart is having a similar sale right now, and i picked up a 40 breeder to upgrade my 20 gallon saltwater to try some new fish and i was really struggling trying to find a stand. it matches my other stands and my desk. great find and fit!


The look on my wife's face when I brought home 2 more 40 gallons tanks last weekend 🤦🏾‍♂️ thanks petco


I just picket up 2 40 gallons yesterday at Petco. And a similar shelf at home depot. The weight limit is a little lower but with added bracing it works and still cost less. Perfect if you have the ability to beef up the stand a bit.


You know buy showing how easy it is to set up this system...you are adding to my MTS...lol..thanks for the video!


Update for anyone who is as frustrated as I've been trying to find a stand like this:

The product seems to be discontinued. I've heard the new model is 1.5" smaller, so the 40g breeders won't fit. Having measured them in the store, it seems legit that they wouldn't fit. Sizes weren't even close to being big enough.

The good news is, you might get lucky like I did. Armed with item number 319466 and the model number MR3618BWG, I called the local Lowes in Oklahoma. Around OKC they were able to track this stand, found 4 of them at 2 stores. Now they couldn't find the 1 at one of the stores, but the other store had all 3 of them hidden on the TOP racks, above the newer (crappier non-fitting) model. If you get lucky like this, you may also get surprised at the register, cause this $70-80 rack rang up $49.99 ($53 with tax). I was so stoked I may have bought all 3. (sorry anyone in OKC hunting for this thing)

It seems to fit Tetra 40g Breeders just fine as seen in the video, I can also attest the Aqueon 40g Breeder fits just fine as I tested it out last night.

Good luck guys, I'm stoked I found one, really sad that Edsal decided to downgrade the look and unintentional awesomeness of this stand with their new model. Perhaps if a bunch of us contact Edsal and complain they'll realize their potential gold mine.

Also thank you to this channel for turning me on to this stand.

Currently there's a $1/gallon sale at Petco from June 26th - August 6th, 2016
