DESTROY the Sicilian Defense in 10 Moves | The Alapin Variation

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Are you looking for the best way to counter the Sicilian Defense? Get ready to gain a significant advantage over your opponents and checkmate Black in the Sicilian Defense in just ten moves!

GM Igor Smirnov has employed this strategy for years, even against masters, and it has proven to be highly effective. In this video lesson, he will introduce you to the Alapin Variation and show you how it can give you the upper hand right from the start.

The Sicilian Defense typically starts with 1.e4 c5, and the Alapin Variation begins with 2.c3. This move is straightforward and avoids the complexities of mainline Sicilian theory. Plus, it often catches amateurs off guard.

► Chapters

00:00 Crush the Sicilian Defense with the Alapin Variation
00:52 Main variation, 2...Nf6
03:09 TRAP: White checkmates in 10 moves
06:31 If Black plays 5...e6 instead of dxe4
07:24 Must-know tactical pattern
08:53 If Black plays 4...e6 instead of d5
10:15 Restrict Black's development completely
12:27 Quiz: Can you find the best move?

#IgorNation #SicilianDefense #ChessTraps #OpeningTraps #SicilianDefence #ChessOpenings
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You've got to play some live games for us. I think we all want to see that


► Chapters

00:00 Crush the Sicilian Defense with the Alapin Variation
00:52 Main variation, 2...Nf6
03:09 TRAP: White checkmates in 10 moves
06:31 If Black plays 5...e6 instead of dxe4
07:24 Must-know tactical pattern
08:53 If Black plays 4...e6 instead of d5
10:15 Restrict Black's development completely
12:27 Quiz: Can you find the best move?


Awesome video Igor!
Solution to Puzzle:
Bf4 doesn't work because of Nd3+.
The queen cannot take the knight because your queen pins it to the King, so that just wins black a free bishop


12:40 Nd3+ then Kd1 Nxf4 Black is up a piece


I've been waiting for this thank you so much Igor!!! ❤


From all the blogers you are the best. Thank you.


Igor, you are the best chess teacher I know. Your videos are really awesome and the pace is just right. Thank you so much!


You explain well 😊 thanks for the good work


Old Sicilian, I use the Smirnov Gambit! Modern and French Sicilian, I use the Delayed Alapin! I've just had better games with the delayed Alapin, plus the first few moves can be used for the Modern Defense.


Thanks for the videos! I’ve been trying to use this in my games. But I have a doubt: At 7:40, after Ng5+ what happens if king to g8? Then Qh5 and black goes Re8 to give the king an escaping square? Thanks!


I've never lost to the Sicilian ever since i watched this video


Thanks a lot for your vedio dear grand master❤❤
You are best teacher of chess🎉🎉🎉


Pretty sure knight check, king moves to D1, you take queen with your queen, they take back with knight to protect bishop then you check with knight and take their rook on H1? And you’re just up a rook?

Or if they go to H2 attacking knight, you still take queen, they take with knight to protect bishop, then you can go f2 with knight, they are forced to move rook, then you’re a pawn and tempo up?

Idk I just don’t like idea of them taking queen with check, I like the idea of taking their queen.
Honestly not sure, my rating was like 1630 but dropped to 1350, havent been playing much but I’m getting back into it slowly.


Puzzle of Black move, Qb4+ if white defend by Bd2, Qb2 and rook gone. If white defend by Qd2, black Knight jumps to Kd3+ after white king move to safe square trade queen, and win hanging white dark square bishop by Kxf4 😊


Could you do a part 2 where black plays d5 or Kf6?


Very nicely simple traps of Alapin I came to know, thanks sir ❤🎉


I am waiting for this... Thankyou sir 👍


I tried this against a computer playing at level 2000. But the computer(black) responded by first advancing its King's knight rather than its Queen's knight. So I assume that's the better initial response and you need a plan to deal with that. But that wasn't covered in any of the scenarios in this video. Plus, keep in mind that as the game progresses and Black developes his Queen's bishop, then he can later move over his rook and put lots of pressure on your queen side with both his rook and queen since so many of the pawns on that side are gone.


12:47 is the most important part of this video.

Memorizing openings will never get you anywhere. Learn ways of thinking and solid principles.

That and improving your board vision are all that are going to matter.


I tried the Alapin my last OTB game against a 2000-2100 player. He proceeded to play 2...e6 and we quickly went into a French which I hate and he blew me off the board in 25 moves, all engine-approved. He wasn't cheating just booked up.
