“Can I Be Stateless and Pay Zero Tax?”

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Can you travel without having a citizenship? In this video, Andrew discusses stateless travel documents and the difficulties that come with being a citizen of nowhere.

Andrew Henderson and the Nomad Capitalist team are the world's most sought-after experts on legal offshore tax strategies, investment immigration, and global citizenship. We work exclusively with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors who want to "go where they're treated best".

Andrew has started offshore companies, opened dozens of offshore bank accounts, obtained multiple second passports, and purchased real estate on four continents. He has spent the last 12 years studying and personally implementing the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle.

Our growing team of researchers, strategies, and implementers add to our ever-growing knowledge base of the best options available. In addition, we've spent years studying the behavior of hundreds of clients in order to help people get the results they want faster and with less effort.

DISCLAIMER: The information in this video should not be considered tax, financial, investment, or any kind of professional advice. Only a professional diagnosis of your specific situation can determine which strategies are appropriate for your needs. Nomad Capitalist can and does not provide advice unless/until engaged by you.
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Forget that. I’m going to proclaim myself King and start charging tax.


Voluntary statelessness is a crazy idea, don't even think about it unless you want to withdraw completely from society, head for the hills and never ever cross an international border - in which case there is no reason to renounce anyway. No tax to be saved either, since citizenship (or lack of such) and residence for tax purposes are entirely different things.


You can live on a boat and stay on international water. No tax to pay. Or travel by staying less than 183 days in any country (except USA) and you don t have to file any tax report. This work for non US persons.


Thank you Andrew, I'm curious to hear about the 'everyday little things to think about' for the Trifecta lifestyle.

As I've understood from your videos:

- move to country/countries that only have the 183 days rule for tax residency (no other tests).
- Move around not triggering any tax residency (don't stay longer than 3 months per country)
- Have 3 houses or more where you're staying

When you're asked where you live, which home do you mention?
When you're explaining in one of your chosen countries that you have a business and a house there, but are not tax resident, don't you also get the same treatment of not understanding, thus they won't cooperate.
Or do you mention in each home contry that you actually live in the next home country? Won't that trigger issues, if these countries correspond with eachother or does that just not happen.

Curious to hear on your real life experiences. Would perhaps want to hire you if I get a more clear view on this.


Being stateless and being an illegal immigrant is another face of the same coin.
There is tax free earning but each pay check comes without worker's compensation.
No voting rights, harassment by your pairs, freedom of movement is restricted, harassment by police officers


I came to ask a similar question - not really about being Stateless, but can you live on a Yacht permanently and never be on the hook for any specific tax zone?


Be among the elite with IMF and BIS and have no state - but rather be over the states across the world. Conduct your transactions in SDRs that you can print on a whim.


Greetings from the sahara desert northern Mali, as a complet stateless I can't answer the simplest question to ask someone such as" what is your date of birth? Let alone obtaining passport and traveling the world


Great video, always wondered about this. Thanks for bursting my bubble 🙂


"Can I" suggests that these parasite govts are omnipresent and own me. The two passports I travel on most often are New Zealand and Great Shitain; and I don't live in either. In much of Europe I can use my Spanish, Bulgarian or Slovienian IDs without needing a passport at all.


This question is like seeing a wheel for the first time and then seeing how you can better it.


can also get US passport as an American national not as a citizen


Several countries are not allowed to transit the US. You must prove that you aren't from one of them or you can't get on a flight through here. The airline would get fined for letting you on the plane and the gate agent who gave you a boarding pass would most likely loose their job. All at the discretion of one Immigration officer.


Good point on it not making a difference tax wise


Rick Rule a month ago said if he was younger he would become stateless.

He then mentioned having three things.

1. Passport of Convenience.
2. Residence
3. Place where he kept his assets.

2. Is somewhat preferential, but what are say the top 5 Passports of Convenience and top 5 places you would store your assets whether physically or digitally?


I interpret the question kind of differently. Doesn't the person means to become a perpetual traveler, rather than having a passport without a 'nationality'. I think he means to say to not become a resident anywhere. But maybe Im wrong


Statelessness is a funny Idea but, having the US as exception, it changes nothing in the tax realm because taxation is mostly based on residency. You can be stateless in Norway and pay 93% income tax in the basic rate.


Between lawyers and accountants and bank fees you're doing it good if you're dolling up between 3 to 8% of your yearly earnings into them. More you're being robbed... Less they'll eventually rob you.

Pay tax to a state? Not my cup of tea. It never was when I was forced to do it, and I went to great lengths to make sure it wont happen again. I go to countries, pay the goods tax like the nice tourist I am, spend 200k to a Mil and that's it, that's all the tax they're getting from me.


Nice green screen! I wonder where did you record this video?


It works better for me to be stateless than having American citizenship.
