【ANRI Arcane】Coordinate Shift【SynthV Original】

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You remember things wrong.

Anri Arcane is so fun to use holy shit
Huge thanks to @ponkansoup for the wonderful art she is so awesome
And thanks to @vocatart for giving me one of his spare Juns he harmonises really nicely with Anri:)

This is a kind of sequel to The World Is Smiling On Me. Sorta. I wanted to make this video nicer but aviutl is kinda kicking my ass lol


Рекомендации по теме

вышла немножко обосрака, добавила русские сабы как английские. лень заново перебивать, так что выбирайте инглиш👍
Yeah I marked russian lyrics as English by accident. Oopsie poopsie


0:29 "One step cant cover seven steps" ...unless you're in the nether


It gives the feeling of knowing your life will never be the same, but having to carry on nonetheless.


"a rabid orange scent paints the back of my throat" bestie that's acid reflux. please take some tums :((

(song bangs btw !!!)


ferry will drop a song that changes your life and be like "just another normal tuesday" like I WILL NEVER BE SANE


my interpretation of this song is perhaps a very simplistic and literal one (especially compared to a lot of people talking about it in the comments) but on its face i read it as a child having to face death for the first time and realizing that it's a real actual thing that affects them. their friend falls out of a tree and dies - a childish activity of stealing neighbour's fruits turned dark and morbid all of a sudden. i can't help but notice the soviet/post-soviet influences in your work, so many of your songs capture that eastern european dissonance of existing in the post-soviet space, feeling powerless and displaced even though the reality you exist in is the only one you ever knew. this feels the same - the major event being very evocative of a typical activity rural children will engage in contrasting with the later imagery of concrete and the harsh industrial percussion. it's about death, obviously, but it also feels like it's about one's relationship with death not just personally, but the death of the simple, innocent rural life, overrun by industrialization and concrete cities with brutalist blocks. like, it really captures the feeling of being a kid spending the summer in the village with your grandparents and then returning to your apartment in a slab of concrete and for the first time realizing this dissonance might mean something. "where gardens once unwrapped, was there a place like that?". that line just hits, something about questioning whether the past beyond factories, beyond these ugly towers of grey ever existed. the confusion, the helplessness, the overwhelming of it all. you really captured something so deeply post-soviet, like you always do in your art. wonderful work!




the emphasis on "the rabid orange scent paints the back of my throat" alongside the descriptions of death makes me think of agent orange (a toxic, orange gas)being used in the Vietnam war.

Agent orange causes cancer, diabetes, Parkinson's, heart disorders, birth defects and a lot of other diseases when humans are exposed to it, resulting in a total of the death of 4.8 million Vietnamese people.


god this is incredible. the mechanic percussion and low hum of the guitar along with the lyrics creates such vivid imagery


it is SO incredibly cool the way that the percussion dies down for a moment when she says "flesh should not lie flat". it just sounds so fucking cool and creepy and ferrys music is so so so fucking good


Going off this and The World Is Smiling on Me (TWISOM for the rest of this post) being connected - I'm assuming they're referring to different reactions to the same event. Both songs seem to be about some sort of grief, and how to go on as normal after something traumatic happens. My personal theory is it's about the suicide of a friend ("A branch under your skin had snapped", "Where did your life go?"), and this is two of their friend's reactions to her suicide. These analysis can be affixed to pretty much any event, though.

TWISOM is about coping with grief through disassociating yourself from the event, and pretty much denying any reality to do with this event. It's very repetitive, showing how she almost repeats it to herself psychotically to escape how frail her mentality actually is. She likely already has some sort of trauma going on in her life, and this event is what made her snap. Coordinate Shift seems to be about a different friend, as she's much more grounded. There's a lot more to analyse in this song as there are a lot more lyrics. I'll go through a couple individually.

"Flesh should not lie flat." "Life should not lie flat." She thinks that whoever died in this event deserved better and had a fulfilling life ahead of them, which was taken away by something. "A stolen fruit" also fits into this interpretation.

"One step can't cover seven steps" She can't speed up her grieving process: she has to experience all of these horrible emotions. This links to the title "coordinate shift" - she's had her daily life "shifted" by this daily event, but she can't escape it.

"A burning tent" "Shot down a bird" Both have connotations of death.

"And I return to a small world, Its corners melt into a thin plastic mold" She is having to return to daily functioning, despite experiencing something so traumatic.

"A rabid orange scent paints the back of my throat" This is reminds me of the idea of getting a lump on your throat when being on the verge of crying. The traumatic event has not left her - it's always in the background, tainting her daily living, in the "back of her throat".


"life should not lie flat" hits really hard


I wrote down the lyrics because because because

A stolen fruit
A childish sin has taken root
In carpet grids
A winding road for toothless kids
A thankless weight
Each carcass longs for wooden crates
Not sticks and feet
Turn over, kitty, turn and see that
Flesh should not lie flat
One step can't cover seven steps
Where gardens once unwrapped
Was there a place like that?

And I return
To a small world
Its corners fold
Into a bad paper boat
Where did it go?
Where did your life go?
A rabid orange scent paints the back of the back of my throat
A rabid orange scent paints the back of the back of my throat

A pack of dogs
You spin atop a cardboard box
A burning tent
The newest coat of hip cement
Shot down a bird
And Baechus laughed, or so I heard
No shoe unsold
Black needles fold into a road but
Life should not lie flat
A branch under your skin had snapped
Where rivers laid and slept
Was there a time like that?

And I return
To a small world
Its corners melt
Into a thin plastic mold
Where did it go?
Where did your life go?
A rabid orange scent paints the back of the back of my throat
A rabid orange scent paints the back of the back of my throat

And I return
To a small world
Its corners fold
Into a bad paper boat
Where did it go?
Where did your life go?
A rabid orange scent paints the back of the back of my throat

And I return
To a small world
Its corners melt
Into a thin plastic mold
Where did it go?
Where did your life go?
A rabid orange scent paints the back of the back of my throat
A rabid orange scent paints the back of the back of my throat
A rabid orange scent paints the back of the back of my throat
A rabid orange scent paints the back of the back of my throat
A rabid orange scent paints the back of the back of my throat



the instrumental on this one is so awesome


Actually fell in love with how mechanical and industrial it sounds mwah


Ферри, как обычно, вышла имба, спасибо за песню, буду опять переслушивать ее 40 раз подряд на протяжении двух недель
Мне очень нравятся войсбанки синты5, так как у них более разборчивая речь, мне кажется, что больше подходит таким песням
Спасибо за песню, ждем ещё больше вкусной гитары в следующей


Такое звучание мне очень нравится. Такой басок хорошо прошибает славянскую ментальность, ахаха забавно, что такой вайб часто из Беларуси идет вот прям стабильно. Ждем концерты еммаёё


Shoutout to edits of driving past industrial infrastructure or train lines, has to be my favourite gender


I played this song for my dad like last week and today he came into my room and was like “is a rabid orange scent painting the back of your throat?” And then we talked about the song. I love it so so much, especially the part where the instrumental stops at “flesh should not lie flat” and then comes back in its SO GOOD, and also you’ve created a vocaloid song my dad likes so much that he’s apparently been listening to it without me playing it for him, THIS IS INCREDIBLE !! :D


JESUS CHRIST DUDE youve really outdone yourself on this one. i feel like i say that every time you drop a song, but its because every one feels like youre making such huge strides in your artistic development. following you these past few years has been so exciting . i feel like i could write a thesis on it at this point. the inclusion of industrial noise as percussion? your exploration with adding guitar? the classic ferry lyricism and meter? the tuning? nothing but win after win. this may take the spot as my fave of yours, out of both originals and pafl. (previously my fave original was probably either the world is smiling on me or She could be satan for all i know. i know scbsfaik is pretty old at this point, but i think the simplicity of it really allows your talent for lyricism and melody shine through. my only wish is that it were louder. regardless i think your older catalogue has aged pretty immaculately, even if youve continued to further polish things as time has gone on)

anyway. shoving this in my mouth and eating it.
