Gökçeada, Ίμβρος, Imbros

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Birlikte yaşanılan yüzyıllardan sonra şimdi boşalmış köylerde, yıkılmaya yüz tutan evlerde, içindeki ocaklarda, merdivenlerde izini ararsınız onların; Gökçeadalı Rumların. Çok farklı nedenlerle köylerinden göç etmek zorunda kaldılar. Zamanla geride sadece yaşlılar ve az sayıda nüfus kaldı. Son yıllarda evlerine geri dönüp yerleşenler var. Boşalmış köyler yeniden hayat buluyor. Onların sesleri, şarkıları adanın sokaklarında yeniden duyuluyor.
Videoda kullandığım müzik Gökçeada'da gezerken dinlediğim, etkilendiğim bir şarkı ve harika bir yorum.
Çok teşekkürlerimle;
Andria Antoniou & Pavlos Carvalho
"Το γιασεμί (To Yasemi)"
After centuries of living together; you look for their traces in the villages that are now empty, in houses that are about to collapse, in the fireplace and the stairs inside of them. They are the Greeks of Gökçeada - Ίμβρος
They had to emigrate from their villages for many different reasons. Over time, only the elderly, a small number of population remained. In the recent years, there were some people who have returned to their homes here and settled. The emptied villages come back to life again. Their voices and songs can be heard on the streets of the island...
The music I used in this video is a song that I listened to and was impressed by, while traveling around Gökçeada and it's wonderfully interpreted.
Thank you so much for the music;
Andria Antoniou & Pavlos Carvalho
"Το γιασεμί (To Yasemi)"
Videoda kullandığım müzik Gökçeada'da gezerken dinlediğim, etkilendiğim bir şarkı ve harika bir yorum.
Çok teşekkürlerimle;
Andria Antoniou & Pavlos Carvalho
"Το γιασεμί (To Yasemi)"
After centuries of living together; you look for their traces in the villages that are now empty, in houses that are about to collapse, in the fireplace and the stairs inside of them. They are the Greeks of Gökçeada - Ίμβρος
They had to emigrate from their villages for many different reasons. Over time, only the elderly, a small number of population remained. In the recent years, there were some people who have returned to their homes here and settled. The emptied villages come back to life again. Their voices and songs can be heard on the streets of the island...
The music I used in this video is a song that I listened to and was impressed by, while traveling around Gökçeada and it's wonderfully interpreted.
Thank you so much for the music;
Andria Antoniou & Pavlos Carvalho
"Το γιασεμί (To Yasemi)"