The MiniDisc Video

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Let's look at the history of MiniDisc, repair my broken player, then do some tests on the format and its ATRAC compression scheme. This is probably going to be my one and only video on MiniDisc, so it's packed full of stuff - basically three videos in one. Along the way I discover that MiniDisc really was an overlooked gem of a format - probably my favorite physical format of the 1990's.
A few shoutouts/links to other channels/videos mentioned in this video:
David Mellor's Audio Masterclass: @AudioMasterclass
Techmoan: @Techmoan
This Does Not Compute: @ThisDoesNotCompute
VWestlife: @vwestlife
Music credits (from the YouTube Audio Library):
Jeremy Blake - Let's Go Home
Dan Henig - Eternal Garden
00:00 Intro/History
12:34 Repair
27:08 Audio tests
47:54 Outro
A few shoutouts/links to other channels/videos mentioned in this video:
David Mellor's Audio Masterclass: @AudioMasterclass
Techmoan: @Techmoan
This Does Not Compute: @ThisDoesNotCompute
VWestlife: @vwestlife
Music credits (from the YouTube Audio Library):
Jeremy Blake - Let's Go Home
Dan Henig - Eternal Garden
00:00 Intro/History
12:34 Repair
27:08 Audio tests
47:54 Outro
The MiniDisc Video
NetMD MiniDisc into 2022...and beyond
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The Minidisc Label Printer
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MiniDisc - An Appreciation
MiniDisc: Adding Track Titles without a PC
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MiniDisc-based audio codec for video data
Mega Minidisc Unwrap (FULL VERSION) 73 mins of Junk
Sony MXD-D3 Video Clip (Sony Minidisc Player/Recorder)
Coming Soon! 18 Minidisc Players in One Video!
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Mini Disc Japan video
MD systems from Japan : The good, the bad and the ugly?
A New MiniDisc 2019
100 Junk MDs - How many did I get working
Sony's $3,000 MiniDisc PC from Japan – Vaio PCV-MX2
When Mini-DVD tried to go big
TDK Blank Recordable Minidisc for sale @Rs.999/- each | for long video please click the link above
Too many MDs?