Toy Story - Walkthrough with all stars and secrets
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Toy Story (トイ・ストーリー) is a Sega Mega Drive game based on the film with the same name developed by Traveller's Tales and Psygnosis and published by Sega. Similar versions were also released for the Game Boy, Super Nintendo and Windows PCs.
As well as having platforming segments, the game is notable for being one of the few Sega Mega Drive games to have a stage in the first-person perspective, something that the Mega Drive was not expected to be able to handle. As well as this, one of the other technical feats was the MOD player in this game, allowing the Mega Drive to play back Amiga music files, specifically used for the menu screen and credits. This is the only game on the Mega Drive to include the MOD player.
To turn Woody invincible, just enter the second level, ''Red Alert'' and collect seven and only seven stars, then jump into the toybox. Press down for about five seconds or until you see the top-left star start spinning. This means you are now invincible.
Level Skip
Enter A, B, →, A, C, A, ↓, A, B, →, A (abracadabra) at the title screen. While in the game, press START to pause and hit A.
As well as having platforming segments, the game is notable for being one of the few Sega Mega Drive games to have a stage in the first-person perspective, something that the Mega Drive was not expected to be able to handle. As well as this, one of the other technical feats was the MOD player in this game, allowing the Mega Drive to play back Amiga music files, specifically used for the menu screen and credits. This is the only game on the Mega Drive to include the MOD player.
To turn Woody invincible, just enter the second level, ''Red Alert'' and collect seven and only seven stars, then jump into the toybox. Press down for about five seconds or until you see the top-left star start spinning. This means you are now invincible.
Level Skip
Enter A, B, →, A, C, A, ↓, A, B, →, A (abracadabra) at the title screen. While in the game, press START to pause and hit A.