PBST tutorial video.

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(June 2022 Update) This video is ah, deprecated. Watch it if you want, but it is very old and the standards for PBST today are very different.
Welcome to PBST! This is a video for anyone new around here. This video should show you around and help you do what is needed for PBST. If the text goes too fast, just pause the video or slow it down.
- This is a small map of the PBCC. Does not contain everything. cxsdie put a lot of work into making this map. Credits go to him
PBST handbook:
Welcome to PBST! This is a video for anyone new around here. This video should show you around and help you do what is needed for PBST. If the text goes too fast, just pause the video or slow it down.
- This is a small map of the PBCC. Does not contain everything. cxsdie put a lot of work into making this map. Credits go to him
PBST handbook:
PBST tutorial video.
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