The Highlight Reel: Best Practices for Onboarding New Members

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You likely spend A LOT of time trying to grow your organization’s membership. And hey, let’s face it, recruiting new members is NOT easy. So when you do get a new member, you, of course, want them to stay. And that’s where having an organized and well-thought-out new member onboarding process comes into play.

What exactly should you be doing when it comes to new member onboarding?

In this guide, we'll discuss seven musts of member onboarding. Specifically, we'll cover:
✔️ How to create an effective new member welcome packet
✔️ When to communicate with new members (and what types of messages to send)
✔️ How to organize successful new members-only events (without having to spend a ton of extra money)
✔️ And more!

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