5 Stats Tests You Need to Know for PM | Google Product Leader, Christopher Crosbie

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Being a Product Manager requires structured and organized thinking. Frameworks and toolkits are a handy and effective way to approach problems. Product Managers will learn about many and develop their own throughout their product careers.

03:00 – 🎥 Introduction to Statistical Tests for PMs
05:07 – 🛠️ Importance of Data in Product Management
07:19 – 🧑‍🏫 Hypothesis Testing for Product Assumptions
12:19 – 📊 T-Test and Confidence Intervals
15:00 – 🤖 Regression and Machine Learning in PM
17:17 – 📈 Autoregressive Integrating Moving Average (AIMA)
21:11 – ⚖️ Understanding Averages and Medians

The content of this event is for educational purposes only and does not include any specific facts of the presenter’s current or previous company. The opinions expressed in this event are solely those of the presenter based on personal experiences and do not reflect those of the company the presenter works for.

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Quite a fun one
Thanks for sharing

Would suggest finding a place for the cam where the graphs don't get covered


very informative video. Could we have more of these ?
