Getting It Wrong

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I've been wondering for a while what to do with the last video, I've thought about it, talked with friends, talked with Philipp, and here are my thoughts.

this video in a nutshell: mea culpa

Proxy Wars - Andrew Bird

Pop Sci is coming soon.
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this is going to be a weird request, but I believe in making retractions as publicly as you make the mistake. SO... if you shared the last video, if you would share this video with those same people/platforms, I would be appreciative. However, since this video doesn't really apply to the people who didn't see Trust in a Nutshell, if you lurked in the last video, keep doing you.


I have respect for anyone who can admit when they are wrong. Good on you. Thanks for your honesty and integrity.


It took courage to to handle this the way you did. It made me feel a lot of things.
“It was not the copious amounts of hate that made me reflect, but the love….”

I think that’s exact moment when I felt the things. It made me realize that this is the kind of thing we can all do. In the middle of the drama it's easy to pile on but taking the time to connect is huge. It’s like we’re all on the internet in a huge battle sometimes. We each have our own little places on the battlefield to skirmish against our individual enemies. This was refreshing. A gentle call to truth, forgiveness, and grace.

Yes it made sense to make an apology video… but this feels different. Personal reflection, a request for forgiveness.
I can also tell you went out of your way to own it in a way that would have been difficult for me. In short, I can tell you really mean it.

Thank you for this. I’m looking forward to your new videos.


I'm so, so glad you didn't continue to double down. I really liked this channel. I wish to continue to like it. Looking forward to whatever you decide to make from now on. Take your time.


This is the most wholesome youtube drama there has ever been


You made a mistake.
You admitted your mistake.
You are correcting (or attempting to) yourself.

Good job. Continue to do this and do your best to not make the mistake again. Live and learn.


If your public shaming video taught us anything, it’s that people deserve second chances. Besides, your video is far from the worst thing on the internet.


Sincere.. no excuses.. transparent. Good job. You just made that unicorn of apology videos, IE a believable one. Kudos man, glad to see ya stepping up.


You made a mistake
You received criticism
You reflected on it and admitted your mistake

That's heroic to me


This is a great example of someone learning from their mistakes, making adjustments, taking an honest look at criticism and apologizing for what they got wrong without dredging up the drama again or being defensive. Looking forward to a lot of great content in the future Stephen!


Good on you for articulating your thoughts so well and discussing the mistakes that were made. More content creators can learn from what you did here and it’s great that you talked to Philip and treated each other as human beings and Creators...

Good on you, this is what we need, conversations and benefit of the doubt and personal responsibility.

Looking forward as usual to your next video!


Grace on the Internet is a pretty cool thing. Thanks for the humility and example of what it looks like to get it right in a situation like this.


Well done, always be honest, good man for being open and accepting your mistake, good luck in the future.


Sounds like u needed a

coffee break from all of the drama.


I am very thankful that you're issuing a sincere apology. Everybody screws up sometimes, so apologies like this are always necessary. Glad you guys worked it out!


This, is great. I feel like you've both grown better and my respect to you have been increased. Wow i sound like a mom after 2 siblings have fought.


4 years ago, I never would have imagined this guy who once had a beef with Kurzgesagt would expose Logan Paul’s CryptoZoo scam. A lot can really change in a short time!


I feel like this is one of those rare cases where no one was right and no one was wrong... everyone (including the fans) drew conclusions and picked sides too quickly. I was an outsider who didn’t know either channels at all, and could watch both sides completely subjectively... And this is the conclusion I drew.


This is an apology video in response to a video dissing another apology video about apologizing in the video, only to come out and say he wanted to apologize for dissing a video about apologizing... so many layers of sweet, sweet irony


This was undue apologetics for billionaire propagandists. You didn’t get it wrong.
