The One Year Bible

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The One Year Bible, which helps you read the entire Bible in one year in as little as 15 minutes a day, has a fresh, new look. The One Year Bible guides readers through God's Word with daily readings from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs.
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I seen your comments on torantos Bible study: I totally felt you when you asked if you were saved. I know how hard that can be. I have been through a lot and have a history of drug abuse that I’m sure damaged my mind and thought because my faith wasn’t strong enough, I wasn’t saved. Then I started getting attacked and hearing form some people it’s because im chosen and I’m in the right path but at the same time it’s like I’m getting scared doing research about the bible that lead me into a weird direction because I wanted to fight this stuff and understand it. It scares me the thought of hell and tbh even if he’ll wasn’t a thing I wouldn’t want to go. Then when it comes to prayer. If it’s not his will I’m trying to understand how we pray. I feel I have authority or we do as Christians but at the same time it’s more of having that contact and discipline with him.


Tip: only read a portion or selection from the current day. Don't try to catch up on days missed or start from January 1st unless it is January 1st. This will keep you in it year after year without getting discouraged and giving up.