(Vegan) Zdravi Čokoladni Puding

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Veganski čoko puding 🍫 [ENGLISH VERSION BELOW]
Bez škroba, rafiniranog šećera, aroma i mlijeka 🌸
Brza i jednostavna priprema, tekstura i okus kao original 😋
Da bi se dobila tekstura pudinga, koristim agar agar prah 👉 Prirodni biljni žele agar-agar ekstrakt je male morske alge Gelidium. Učinkovit je pri mršavljenju, jer nema mirisa ni okusa, a obiluje vlaknima koja ubrzavaju metabolizam, sprječavaju glad i eliminiraju dio kalorija.

•Sastojci• (2 porcije)
Cijela konzerva kokos mlijeka (400ml)
Žlica sirovog kakao praha
30gr tamne čokolade (70%)
2-3 žlice meda/ javorovog sirupa (po ukusu)
Žličica agar agar praha

U zdjelici za kuhanje zagrijte kokos mlijeko. Dodajte žličicu agar agar praha i miješajte pjenjačom. Dodajte kakao. Neka prokuha 2-3 min, miješajte da se kakao dobro poveže. Zatim ugasite vatru i dodajte čokoladu da se otopi, med i promješajte. Izlijte u zjelice po izboru i stavite da se dobro ohladi. Kada se puding ohladio - poslužite. Dobar tek 🥰


Vegan chocolate pudding 🍫
Without starch, refined sugar, flavors and milk 🌸
Quick and easy preparation, texture and taste like the original 😋
To get the texture of the pudding, I use agar agar powder 👉 Natural plant jelly agar-agar is an extract of the small seaweed Gelidium. It is effective for weight loss, because it has no smell or taste, and it is rich in fibers that speed up metabolism, prevent hunger and eliminate some calories.

•Ingredients• (2 servings)
Whole can of coconut milk (400ml)
A spoonful of raw cocoa powder
30g of dark chocolate (70%)
2-3 tablespoons of honey/maple syrup (to taste)
A teaspoon of agar agar powder

Heat the coconut milk in a cooking bowl. Add a teaspoon of agar agar powder and mix with a whisk. Add cocoa. Let it boil for 2-3 minutes, stir to combine the cocoa well. Then turn off the heat and add the chocolate to melt, honey and mix. Pour into the jars of your choice and leave to cool. When the pudding has cooled - serve. Have a good time 🥰

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