What’s So Bad about BACON? (Truth about Bacon Safety) 2024

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Is BACON bad for you? Does Bacon cause cancer?? Does bacon cause heart disease???
So many nutrition experts have said so many bad things about Bacon that some of them must be true, right?? Let's take a look at bacon nutrition and possible health risks and finally tell the truth about bacon.

Cholesterol: the echo of the lie:
"Previously, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommended that cholesterol intake be limited to no more than 300 milligrams per day. The 2015 DGAC [Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee] will not bring forward this recommendation because available evidence shows no appreciable relationship between consumption of dietary cholesterol and serum cholesterol, consistent with the conclusions of the AHA/ACC report. Cholesterol is not a nutrient of concern for overconsumption"
Cancer Risk/Heart Disease Risk: all observational research that can never show cause.

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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in Tennessee for over 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
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Рекомендации по теме

Bacon and eggs fried in bacon grease EVERY DAY! Lost 58lbs, reversed type 2 diabetes and cured fatty liver. All my labs are perfect and I’m 53 years old! Thank you Dr. Berry!


The only time bacon is bad for you is when you eat it between two slices of bread with a bowl of honey nut cheerios as a side dish.


My grandpa was a farmer. Every morning without fail he ate 2 poached eggs smashed with about a 1/4 stick of butter and heavy cream. Lunch and dinner were usually beef or pork, with a vegetable. He didn't like potatoes because they left him hungry too quickly. He lived to be 99, and I don't remember him ever being sick.


I'm 72, type 2 diebetic and morbidly obese. About one year ago I switched my eating to primarily meat, eggs, and bacon. I have lost 37lbs thus far. My pant size 36inch down from 42. All the swelling in my feet and ankles is gone. No longer suffer from Diarea. I have the energy to go to the gym. I'm optimistic about the future and that wasn't the case a year ago. Thank you Dr. BARRY


My dad ate bacon and eggs, especially eggs, every single day, sometimes he'd eat a half dozen eggs in a morning, he'd eat one, then say "Just one more" and eat another. He was one of the strongest men I've ever known. When he was 85 he was having anxiety because my mother had died and they were together for nearly 70 years. I took him to the doctor and the doctor checked him out then stepped back and looked at him and said, move over and give me the bed, you're healthier than I am. He had the blood pressure and heart rate of my 18 year old grandson who was an elite athlete. My father rarely ate vegetables, I don't recall ever seeing him eat fruit. He loved meat and that's mostly what he ate and it was always cooked always with bacon fat or butter. Slathered butter on everything, sometimes just eating a knifeful of butter because he loved the taste. He lived to 89 years old and there was nothing wrong with him, his health was great, but he missed my mother so much that he just stopped wanting to live.


As a 64-year-old man, I am so pissed off that I deprived myself of bacon and eggs for decades because we were told to eat corn flakes and rice crispies…with a big glass of sugar, um, I mean orange juice. Trying to make up for lost time. Oh ya, two months on keto—down 12 pounds.


My Grandfather has a rule "do the opposite of what the doctor tells you" and it has saved his life!


I used to eat 5 slices of bacon for breakfast with eggs and butter and it always made me feel great and help me lose a little weight. I stopped because people told me that it was increasing my chances of heart disease/cancer. I'm so glad I watched this video, can't wait to go back to it.


The bad thing about Bacon is how much I have to cook to feed the family...Because I eat most of it before it ever gets to their plates


A couple days ago, I ate a whole package of bacon. My wife was concerned the keto diet was bad for my health with all the salt and fat. But mostly she was upset because I didn't save her any bacon.


My mom lived 96 years and was very healthy up until 2 months before she died. We ate bacon and eggs 3-5 days per week. She kept a container of salt next to the stove, We raised gardens and she canned many types of fruit and vegies. We hunted and fished and we ate what we killed. I miss those days....


I've been on keto for 15 months. No more pre diabetes, no more obesity. Oh by the way, I had 4 eggs and 6 peace's of bacon for breakfast. 😋


Nah, I quit trying to convince people. All I get is ridicule when I try to explain that meat and fats are good for you. The stuff that most people believe just makes me angry. I was at the farmers market the other day and some dude asked me why I was buying so much veal pate. I said because it was made of 90% veal liver and that liver is possibly the most nutrient dense food out there. He laughed and said when you heat up liver you lose all possible nutrients and that chikpeas was the real superfood. I got so mad I almost asked him to lift his shirt up to show us the flat stomach he got from eating chickpeas. Oh wait, he couldn't because he had a belly so big that his shirt buttons were screaming from pain.


Growing up in the 50’s and 60’s, we ate bacon frequently and my mom kept a coffee can on the stove full of bacon grease to use for cooking. Oh, and we were beanpole skinny.


65 years old. Bacon and eggs everyday low carb no sugar diet. Apple cider vinegar twice a day. Omega 3 supplements plus magnesium and Vit D3 with K2 and 10000 steps a day. Lost 39 lbs thrown my statin and Lansoprasole in the bin. I feel 30 years younger and absolutely wonderful. Thank you Dr Berry.


I have had Bacon and eggs every morning for going on 6 years, ever since I have been on the keto diet. In the first 18 months I lost 125 lbs. Thanks.


My grandmother lived to be 104 and was never sick in her life. She put bacon grease in everything she cooked and ate a lot of bacon everyday. She was a size 12 for 80 years. It's healthy.


After reading all these testimonials, I had to add my own. I’ve been following you for a while, sir, and I find your advice very informative. Four months on carnivore down 44 pounds 232 to 188. I’m 63. It was difficult at first, but now it’s become a way of life. my inflammation is way down. It was almost to the point where I could barely walk. I have to work every day as a carpenter so I had to do something. This has changed my life without a doubt. To be fair the only time I hurt is when I cheat and have a sandwich. It’s within a day if not immediately. Thank you.


Started carnivore diet on 1 May. 4 burger patties cooked in butter, 3-6 eggs a day. Somtimes cheese, sometimes salmon. Dropped 16 lbs and haven't started working out yet. Glucose level normal. Thanks Dr. Berry!


My wife went to a new cardiologist who told her that statins should be in the water supply and that a low fat/high carb diet was the best. She stood up and walked out.
