8 ways YOU can prepare for possible Russia, Ukraine outcomes

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Russia’s invasion into Ukraine definitely is not the only way this world could come apart, Glenn says. In fact, it’s not only Americans who feel a ‘new season’ is approaching. People all around the world feel it too. Times ARE changing, and our freedoms continue to be at stake. So, with Putin’s latest move into Ukraine, what changes potentially could you see in your life? Glenn answers this question, plus he gives 8 ways you can prepare for potential outcomes TODAY.

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Oh I just love how Glenn Beck is so open about his faith in Jesus. Every point you made about the Lord and us getting right with him is spot on. That is more important than anything


1. Get cash
2. Fill up your gas tanks
3. Stock up on dry goods/pantry

Glenn didn't mention, but I would also:
4. Stock up on medicines
5. Stock up on toiletries
6. Plant a garden 🌱


This is by far the BEST video that you have put out. God, family, community, helping each other! Spot on Glen! Spot on!


“Make the people as miserable as possible”.... sorry Russian your too late, American politicians have already accomplished that objective.


My bank updated their terms of service to include some ESG standards. I prayed on it and the Lord responded, in short, walk by faith and remember Joseph, Moses, and Daniel who all walked in times of oppression and the Lord provided for them and protected them. Glen is right, the Lord is talking to us more and more. Have faith brothers and sisters.


Hi Glenn, I had a vision from God 14 months ago. I was living a sinful and transgender life when Jesus appear in a vision. I was radically and completely healed. I agree, something is afoot and we need to be right with God. Blessings


Thank you Glenn ; great advices and great points……
I would add lets no forget who the true enemy is; and isn’t Putin.
Peace upon earth in Christ name!


Luke 21:28 And when you see these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because our redemption draws near.


Biden: "America stands up to bullies. We stand up for freedom. This is who we are."

Ummmm, Canada


You are a good and intelligent guy Glenn God bless.Be prepared not scared.


It's hard to be a younger generation right now. We haven't had the 2 decades... But I am trying to prep for my family as much as I can


I really like Glenn, and appreciate his warnings he's worked so hard to give us. I noticed he's coming to us from his Idaho bunker ranch today...might be a warning in that too.


I am very sad about this attack. Because of both of these countries. Especially when you know that they are pushed at each other!? I am sad for any human being who were killed. I really don't know what to say. It's nightmare, especially when we hear some people mentioning nuclear weapons.


Glenn I agree with everything you said but I think you forgot two important things that people should be stocking up on, one is medicine, two is guns and ammo, it's better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it.


Stay positive and stay focused. Be strong, brave, loving, and FREE! Know your area, local food/farmers as well. Have what u need!


I listen 100% I had a NDE about 10 yrs ago and I listened then as well. He asked that I stay, I asked to come back and the look on His face was sad and said I would have to endure a lot if I stayed. I now feel that I misjudged what he was referring too. I think that time is coming but I have no regrets, yet. I’ve had a few dreams as well, that I was woken up in a jail cell dirty without shoes and a monk woke me up yelling go now GO and take this to Him don’t forget what I’ve told you and I had to walk through a blackened war torn field and I had to walk over people that were dead or dying and they would hold their hands up and ask for help and He said in my mind “you can not help them keep walking” so I did. It’s my nature to help but I listened. I also dreamed that I was doing yard work and so were all of my neighbors which was absolutely normal and then I heard a loud crack like thunder in the sky and it rumbled the ground and I had to squat down on all fours to stay steady. I looked up and their was a giant man in body armor (nothing over his head) on a giant white horse. I looked around and people were still mowing their grass and going about their business. My neighbor was a preacher so I ran over and asked him if he saw it or heard it and he said no. I heard God say that not all will see the signs or hear the warnings. That threw me for a loop because he was a preacher but I understand now. Titles will not save us or let us see. It’s been a whirl wind these last few yrs.


Can't take a thing that comes out of legacy media at face value


Instead of topping of your home heating oil, buy and install a wood stove.


My brother Nate lives in Melba Glenn he’s a master of smoking meat and a lot of other things The answers for freedom are right there in the pledge of allegiance And to the Republic for which it stands !!! One nation under God !!! Indivisible with Liberty and justice for All !!!


Moving is easier said than done Glenn. I’ve hurt my back rigging steel. But I do enjoy to dream of that kind of life with like minded Christians in the country. Every time I go to sleep after I pray I dream of a life like that. Thank you for what you do
