Michael Heiser — Are the Sins of Believers Judged?

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Specifically, the sins that believers commit—are those sins judged later on in God's final divine plan?

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I've learned so much from Dr. Heiser, a wonderful teacher, I do thank God for him.


I really love these little shorts with Michael! He has taught me so much! Thanks to his family and God bless!


As a former Seventh Day Adventist, thank you so much for this.


If Salvation requires that I live a sinless life, I'm in big trouble. That said, anyone who thinks they stop sinning is in bigger trouble.


My sins were nailed at the cross.. Thank you so much Jesus for your Love for me/us that you would do such a lovely thing. I really needed this today.. Thanks <3


I really appreciate Mike’s clear articulation of the believers sin at the cross. This payment for our sin is what guarantees our eternal security in Christ. For those who struggle with the doctrine of eternal security, fail to understand that all sin was paid for, even all future sin.


Rest In Peace Michael Heiser. He is truly resting with the Lord


I think we should think of the judgment of believers as akin to a "graduation, " since it is not a judgement of sin, but rather a determination of rewards.


I think The Good Lord will discipline us believers when we sin, and He will make it clear to us that we are being spanked. To me, the most severe form of punishment / discipline God ever handed me was when He kinda pushed the "ignore button" on me (except for emergencies) for a few days. Believe me, folks, you don't want that to happen to you. It will be the WORST days (an all around lousy feelings) you'll ever have in your entire life - depending the severity of the discipline He decided to gave you.


I’m wondering why Jesus told the apostles they he gives them the power to forgive sin then???


*Sometimes l think* *how Lucky l am?, I* *Am Not Lucky ! l am* *Blessed By Christ* *Jesus and am a* *Sinner No more to* *Sin Again, Born of* *God in Christ Jesus* *forgiven as a Sinner* *to Sin No More, * *Calvanist?No ! A* *Believer in the Word* *Jesus Spake*
*(John**10:29**, 30)*


I understood that the sin sacrifice was not for last years sins it was for next years sin.


Psalm 103 1
The LORD works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed. The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.


You mentioned John saying believers sin, but the context is remaining in a clean conscience by repentance.
And Communion.
And the falling out of that isn't saved, scripture teaches assurance not security.

Hope of salvation
Confidence in faith
Love the brethren
Be the Kingdom
And you'll hear well done.
But many who claim they knew Him, Jesus said He didn't.
💁‍♀️ So have the attitude of not having attained it.
And don't dull your conscience or another's conscience by arrogant security, otherwise you may hear, "I never knew you."
Put on Christ.
The image you take will be the deciding factor if true salvation.

Calvin must have read poorly,
🤷🏽‍♀️ ...or maybe it was just too simple.

Preordained and predestined is not the person, it's referencing the works predetermined for us to walk in.
A people predestined to do certain things in bringing the Gospel and the law of Christ to the nation's.

This is not predestined salvation!

🧏‍♀️ Even Paul says, having done all he was to do, yet still able to be disqualified.


This is not scriptural. If we continue in willful sin, there remains no sacrifice for us (Heb 10:26 & Num 15).

Furthermore, we can and must stop sinning (1 Cor 15:34). Heiser pointed out 1 John 1:10, but I suggest the listener read the first verse of the next chapter (1 John 2:1).


I love Dr. Heiser (and he’s REALLY right about so much!) but I think this view of sin, repentance, and soteriology misses the mark. It would seem that on this particular issue (and who knows maybe he’s changed his mind since) he is falling into the same kind of fallacious thinking he has so eloquently condemned many times before.

We all are tempted to make certain presuppositions about Scripture, our interpretation of it, and the meaning of certain passages based on our language, our culture, and the facts of our prevailing reality. This particular view he briefly outlines here is, I’m afraid, the common refrain of so many evangelicals with no awareness of the presuppositions which serve to reinforce this view. Its prevalence throughout churches and seminaries in evangelical world is likely why it’s a view he so readily accepts and agrees with (assuming he still does).

However, Psalm 51 (or Psalm 50 if you’re Orthodox) and 2 Corinthians 5:10-11 alone (there are others) reveal this is not a strong or accurate view, either from the standpoint of Scripture or traditional early Christian belief.

Sins must be repented of. All sins. At every point of life. Just because Christ died for our sins on the cross does not automatically mean our sins/sinful actions just disappear or become irrelevant to our salvation and faith journey. It just means we have a means of salvation that we might be reunited with our Creator and be called the sons of God. It is still on us to consciously and willfully accept that gift every day, which can only happen with conscious act of repentance.

Our salvation and our communion with Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives hinges upon being in a state of grace. Unrepentant sin keeps us out of that state of grace, thus meaning those sins which we have not sought repentance for will be held against us when we are judged and weighed in balance with the good we have done (Rev. 20:11-13). Lord Jesus Christ have mercy upon us.


What about verses like Genesis 4:6-10, 2 Corinthians 6:14? What is the point of being a Christian if I'm still a slave to sin?


*If l am Not cleansed by the blood of Christ Jesus then he will have died and been raised from death for No reason, that is Not to Say we can go on and Sin with expectations of Salvation for if we have evil imaginations in our heart then Repentance is Not What the term lmplies, We are weak but Christ is strong and if you seek his mercy you will do your best to Sin No More, *
*ROMANS **7:20*


The bible uses the word reward and not blessings, regarding the crowns of reward. False humunity is rife in churches... Soak up all the blessing and do nothing to work out our salvation and to find what plsases God and DO THESE TYPES THINGS. I think striving for greatest in the kingdom is honorable - and I hate the prejudice againist such striving.
