WHAT THEY DON’T TELL YOU | Paint By Numbers Review

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This product was Supplied by CRAFT-EASE, please note the frame is separate and needs to be added to your order, also the website has updated the description of the paint to Acrylic

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Your canvas turned out gorgeous and the result doesn't look like a paint-by-number kit. Thanks for sharing!


They claim oil, but most of those Chinese paint by numbers kits actually come with acrylic paints, not oil.


I have been using paint by number kits since I was a kid. My advice is to go to the nearest hobby store and purchase small detailed brushes you will be happy you did. As most brushes coming in PBN kits are too big. My best advice is to start with the darkest color in the your time and if you make a mistake just wait for the paint to dry before fixing it. These are relaxing and fairly easy to do don't be overwhelmed by small spaces, take your time just enjoy your progress and have fun.


I'd treat it like a normal brush, have a cup of water and paper towels and simply clean the brush for whenever you are changing colour and use water to keep the paint watery(ish) in order to be able to paint with ease


I tried one of these during quarantine and I was shocked at how long it took me. I think the one I did took me about 25 hours in total, but I usually spend 2-3 hours on a regular not paint-by-numbers painting. I did find that the paint-by-numbers felt more relaxing than regular painting because I wasn't thinking about how the painting would look for the end result or what my next step would be etc., so I could just zone out and paint and still get something cute at the end of it.


It seems simple and sensible, to me, to take a few pictures of the canvas on one's phone, before it's painted, as a reference. That way, there's no confusion, halfway through the project, about which paints go in a certain section.


A few helpful things from a painter:
*Many of the pictures shown on the website are very pretty, but the actual paint-by-numbers version of them will not be the same. The PBN version will have a more "impressionist" look because there is no blending.
*Water soluble oils are a real thing, but they are expensive and a speciality paint; they wouldn't be in a kit like this.
*The paint in all these kits is acrylic.
*You can use an acrylic retarder if you want to slow the drying time of acrylic paint so you can blend. This will help on paintings that originally look very detailed. I wouldn't recommend this for beginners though unless you're willing to experiment/potentially mess up your painting.

I hope this helps.

I hope this helps.


I've done about 20 of these. What I've found helpful is to take a little paint from the container, and put it in the container's top with a toothpick. Then add tiny drips of water with the brush until you have it the right consistency. Remember to cover the container with something else so it won't dry out. These paints dry out really quickly when exposed to air.


Someone gave me my first paint by number. I loved loved loved it. I couldn't wait to find time to start another one. It was the most relaxing art I have ever I ever completed. I wish I could remember name brand, the type of canvas, and how I made the paint look nice. I excitedly purchased a paint by number with similar expectations, I was very disappointed. It was awful. I am so glad I had the positive experience though. I will try again at some point. The first was something like 10x12 and it was a hard material. I know that doesn't say much but when I find another paint by number I will make sure it has those characteristics- beginners beware!! :)


My mum used to photocopy the canvas so she could go back and check what the colour number was in any area.. Helped alot sometimes she would colour swatch the paints, putting the number next to the swatch, which helped to if she had a mistake or colours which were closely alike. There are lots of ways to help yourself. I always had spare brushes and mum would borrow some. Once she got into doing these I bought her a decent set of brushes, and after matching up the brush numbers, she used these. Washing them out throughly after meant she could use them over and over.


That is seriously one of the most beautiful paintings i have ever seen. That you for the wonderful video!


I always have a bowl of water near so I can clean the brush frequently as you paint. The brushes aren’t good but you can work with them. I keep my brush damp with water so the paint flows better. Keep the lids closed after use or they will dry out. Some paintings are really detailed so I usually work in sections so I don’t drive myself crazy. Change of colour keeps your interest up. Color fatigue can be averted by this tactic 😘 Enjoy and smile. Teaches you patience and persistence as a spiritual bonus.


I’ve done a few of these too and I think a few others may have pointed out that it’s actually an a acrylic paint, not oil like they list. At least it behaves like acrylic. Just a heads up. So yeah, it’s soluble in water and won’t mix with oil-intended products. Also, I can’t believe you got through a whole one us8ng their cheap-o brushes. I always end up using my due to the horrible quality of theirs.


We have the same paint by number kit and I actually got more colors than you I hope mine turns out like this too tho


Even with all those issues the kit had, you still made it look amazing!! Thank you so much for the review! 💙 Paige


Wow you did a great job with the cheap brushes that come with the kits. Gorgeous picture choice! Flow Aid is awesome to thin the paints. Alone or diluted.
Face moisturizing wipes help to prolong brushes.
White Sharpie marker works to cover the numbers so you do not have to paint and repaint. Also if you gesso the canvas before you start with clear, not white, it helps the paints cover better.

Thank you for the video.


Thank so much for this video. I purchased two one with a frame one without. I was so confused about pretty much everything you addressed in this video so I put it aside and I haven't looked at it since. With this information maybe I will give it a go again. Thanks


One of mine came with a paper copy of the canvas, like a reference map. There were instructions down the side of it that explained about cleaning the brushes often, and how the paints were thick etc. Thanks for doing this video though. I wanted to see how well it actually turns out. Yours looks great!


I'm visiting you from 2023, just to let you know I found this super helpful. I started doing these last year (my son was stumped about what to buy me for my b-day and went for one of these) and I got hooked quickly. All I really had to go on, since I'm not an art person normally, was feelings and intuition. So, you telling me I can and should water them down? SWEET! And starting with dark colours first? I feel validated. But I do grump at some of the paints not covering the numbers, no matter how many layers I put on. Many googles later, I found out that's to do with how much pigment (?) is in the paint. But! I'm happy! My son is happy-ish, because now he has to keep buying me new ones to do.


Just as a general sort of tip regarding assembling the stretcher frame (which can be a bit tight-fitting): take the four frame pieces and using a candle (that is big enough to handle, ie bigger than a birthday cake candle), RUB the candle on the front and back of the stretcher piece TABS (the skinny parts that are meant to go into mating slots in the adjacent pieces). Since these joints will be stapled and NOT glued, it is fine to rub a little wax onto them. They will then assemble MUCH easier.
