How To Properly Play Evelynn In Low Elo

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Hi, its camz, this is a quick Evelynn guide for anyone who wants to start playing her in low elo.

I am a small League of Legends Streamer who went from Iron 3 to bronze 2 in just a few weeks. I like improving in video games, like league, and I am learning as I go. I love sharing my improvement progress and what I learn as I play the game:) I rarely see other low elo evelynn players so I hope this helps those who want to give her a shot.

Thumbnail - gymbro6341 on discord

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dying with mejai's makes you lose 10 stacks and 5 on dark seal not half of your stacks


i am an iron turkish evelynn main i started the game this summer and ive been trying to learn a lot of the aspects of the game i appreciate the guide!


Your videos makes me wanna start practising jungle role again (I was tilting when i played jungle last time so i started playing different role)


Love your guide and hoping you will reach higher elos with her! :D


5:05 In eve's case, your charm already shreds 40% MR, this is why you will see most Eve go for 1 item of their choice into mejais into Rabadon.
Also, dealing with Tank isn't your job. Note that Void Staff is actually a pretty good burst item, as 40% mr pen is a lot, even against squishies that don't build MR.

As you already have MR shred in your kit, you want to build as much raw damage as possible.
So generally you would go :
(dark seal) -> Lichane/Stormsurge -> Mejai (if fed) -> Rabadon -> situational (Zhonia/Banshee/Shadowflame). Sorcerer boots whenever you can.

This, of course, requires you to use your charm (W) properly.

That aside, you did understand that you want to fullclear as Eve really comes online at Lv6, but starting Blue is very meh.
A good path for Eve would be something like Chikens -> Red -> Krugs. Back, get dark seal. Go top, Blue -> Gromp -> Wolves -> Chickens (which respawn just before you arrive) -> Krugs.
This makes for a very consistent early game, where you don't bet on the ennemy doing god knows what and giving away a free kill (which won't happens every game).

After that, the camps respawn in the same order you cleared them, so you can back, path top and gromp -> wolf will be up again. From here you should be around Lv6 and have the choice to do whatever you want, the grubbies are a good default option. Then start terrorizing the map >:)


As you said, don't listen to the guides that say to use green pet. The reason for this, especially on Evelynn is your playstyle. You have amazing MR shred and damage allowing you to one shot almost anyone, including some tanks. Green pet simply does not provide anything of value as red pet will allow slow and blue pet provides you with speed. But fun fact that many new players didn't know is that green pet used to be pretty much the only pet you would pick when jungling was revamped ! ^^


You are placing your wards inside the red pit - put it in the bush to get more vision.


A friendly advice for the runes (taken from azzap himself) - go dark harvest with precision second so you need to play for stacks and at mid game your ulti can one shot people at 50% health instead of the usual 30%


instead of alternator it's better to go for the blue thing first as it gives movement speed, this way you can actually get in range to proc your W


Thanks for the guide! I am only a sup main but I enjoy the occasional Eve jgl games with my friends the most and I really enjoy your perspective on her. However, one mechanic you missed is the ctrl+3 spam to do the super fast spinning dance. Isn‘t that a thing anymore?? :) Wish you the best!


Evelynn was my main champ, ever since she got two major nerfs in a row I no longer use her 😢.


Thank you for making content for broze players.


the sheen isnt bad, it synergizes well with empowered e auto and gives haste for more e spam


But cryptobloom heals you and refull your team


Camz, hold up, you are a alright streamer - People (including myself) enjoy your journey on Instagram... but you shouldn't be making guides.
You say it yourself constantly you have a lot to improve upon, and it might be a wake up call but this applies to Eve too.
Let's face it Plat players have no right to be claiming how people should be playing "properly" - you have zero right to be teaching from Bronze. It takes years to really grasp the fundamentals - and just because you know which runes to take and items that work well, and have killed some out of position Bronze ADC players does not make you in anyway close to being entitled enough to make this video.
You refuse to play tanks, anything that may assist your team, you chase kills, you constantly blame others for losses.
Mate, stick with what you're good at and leave the coaching to the talented ones that have actually put in the graft.


The problem with making such a novice guide is that league doesn't have many new players (Game for veterans) and everyone already knows all the runes and items you are explaining... Also evelynn, jungling, even laning is quite autopilot... Like its not rocket science...

Like if a preseason comes and they change the jungle camps or the laning phase minion formula maybe such guide would make sense but as is it doesn't.

really the only time guides make sense in league is if they are for super hard to pilot champion or for super unique to pilot champion / game update
