Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan's final problem?

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Azerbaijan and Armenia ended their South Caucasus conflict in the Azerbaijani-Armenian war for Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan emerged victorious. But one problem remains: Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. It is separated from the rest of the country by a thin strip of Armenian territory.

This short video on politics discusses how Nakhchivan links to Azerbaijan: by plane and overland, by rail and road. In Soviet times it was not a problem but now it will need to run through independent Armenian territory or via Iran. Or perhaps via both?

This is important for Azerbaijan as Nakhchivan borders Turkey. Formally, decisions made in this region involve the Minsk Group, so could the United States and Russia cooperate on this issue? Do Azerbaijan and Armenia want Russian involvement? Nakhchivan: an important geopolitical puzzle.

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Your approach is superficial. You should dig deeper into the annals of history. I’d like to urge you to go back to 1900 for example and start from there. Did you know that what is now called ‘Azerbaijan’ didn’t even exist in 1800’s or earlier?


0:12 "Russia was unable to keep the peace in the region."
In my opinion, Russia was rather *unwilling* to keep the peace in the region. They certainly had the military resources to intervene and force a permanent settlement and they were also no strangers to military adventures/interventions in post-soviet states at that point, e. g. Moldova/Transnistria or Georgia/Abkhazia/Ossetia. That precarious situation between Armenia and Azerbaijan benefitted Russia the most, as they could pretend to be the protector of Armenia to keep them in CIS/CSTO/other russia-centric organizations while propping up Azerbaijan through military sales and economic cooperation for hard currency, keep them from drifting too far outside Russia's orbit and maintain them as a somewhat credible threat to Armenia that they wouldn't be able to take on themselves because of all the high-end russian hardware that Azerbaijan got compared to Armenia. It was a nice arrangement for Russia while it lasted.


Nakhichevan is Armenian land granted for free to Azerbaijan by the Soviet Union to keep the conflict for hundreds of years.


You lost me at "Russia was unable to keep the peace" - when Caucasus conflicts have been Russians' divide and conquer, while pushing Russia's Preferred Nations Policies in parallel when they lacked political power to exterminate all


The number of Azeri Turks who moved from Armenia to Azerbaijan was significantly low. They were able to sell their homes in Armenia, collect their belongings and move peacefully by means provided by Armenians. Armenia even paid compensations to Azeri Turks who moved away. Instead of using the money they received to buy homes from Armenians in Baku they chose to murder them and take their homes and belongings by force.


Azerbiajan already has access to nakhichevan, it just wants to annex Armenian territory. NAkhichevan which is Armenian word for "Newly Arrived or newly Descended" referring to settlers in NOAH's flood, is father away from the so called province of 'azerbaijan' which clearly belong is Iran. They are Shia and speak a Persian form of Turkish.


Nakhijevan should be given back to Armenia. It was stolen from them.


Azerbaijani's are central-asian turks who invaded the region only a few hundred years ago, meanwhile Artsakh and Nakhichevan were Armenian for over 2 thousand years - and in the future they will be again🇦🇲✊️


The political situation in the Caucasus has been changing rapidly in the last 4 years. Let's list the important events:
+ Azerbaijan left the Karabakh war as the winner.
+ Russia, which supported the Armenians at every opportunity, did not support Armenia as seriously as expected in the Karabakh war.
+ Armenians, who were used by the Russians to maintain control in the Caucasus for 200 years, began to implement a western-oriented policy.
+ The West is very positive towards the new policy of the Armenians.
+ The opening of the Zangezur corridor is expected to have a negative impact on Iran's power in the Caucasus.
+ Armenians fired at Nakhchivan 2-3 times in September and October.
+ America and India are rapidly arming Armenia.
+ Elections will be held in Georgia. As a result of the election, either Georgia will try to improve its relations with Russia, or it will get closer to the West.

It seems that the situation will continue its tension.🫤


its simple really. Azerbaijan would love to make a shit load of money off gas and oil sent to the west. Even if that means conquering Armenia.


You are looking at this from a very wrong perspective. You think that Nakhchivan is a problem for Azerbaijan, but actually it is not. Zangezur passage, Nakhchivan soils and the physical connection between Central Asia - Caspian - Anatolia are problems for both Armenia and Iran.
Putin and Erdogan had a long phone conversation today. According to state sources, Erdogan called his friend to congratulate him on his "birthday". And this tele-celebration lasted for about 45 minutes. They didn't talk about anything else, they laughed and strengthened their friendship.... if I were living in Yerevan, I would definitely lose sleep after this celebration ceremony. :P


Ireland stands with Armenia. Christian brothers!✝


Azerbaijan wasn't on the map until 1920's and the present day Turkey and Azerbaijan have large swaths of Armenian land.


What a bunch of garbage… Azerbaijan is a fictitious country built on the land of others. Nakhichevan isn’t connected to Azerbaijan because it was never part of a country called “Azerbaijan.”


The current border configuration in the South Caucasus is quite unfortunate and conflict-inducing. These borders between Azerbaijan and Armenia had never been conclusively settled between them two in pre-soviet times. There was a brief Armenia-Azerbaijan war in 1918-1920 which was inconclusive and ended with the Soviet invasion of both. The current borders are the result of the WWI front and subsequent agreement between Russia and Turkey on the outer perimeter (which gave Nakhchivan a special status as part of Azerbaijan), while borders between Armenia and Azerbaijan were drawn by the Soviets under the “divide and rule” principle. And neither side is happy with the way they were drawn - Armenia wanted Karabakh and Nakhchivan in addition to what it has, while Azerbaijan wanted Zangezur and the area to the east of lake Sevan. However, the borders are what they are today and no one can blame either side for defending their internationally recognised borders as they are today


Russia created the problem. Azerbaijan entered to Soviet Union at much larger area, and came out at smaller area. Empire created the war.


Nakhcivan always belongs Azerbaijan .you can see that historic documents accept this fact.


This YouTube channel is an Azerbaijan propaganda channel pure and simple. Nakhichevan was ancient Armenian land until the central-asian Azerbaijani turks ethniclly cleansed all the Armenians from the territory. It is not Armenia's responsiblity to provide the genocidal Azerbaijani state transport routes to occupied parts of Armenia they ethniclly cleansed. Oh by the way - the name "Nakhichevan" is In Armenian, that tells you a lot in itself.


Sheikh Imran Hosein States: “Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh lived on those lands for Four Thousand Years! But (Baku-based artificial republic of) Azerbaijan wanted those lands.”

Sheikh Imran Hosein Explains Putin & Russia's Apparent Betrayal Of Armen...


Will Canada Concede Land so that Alaska (USA) and Mainland USA connect through road? Nope, that will never happen.
Why will Armenia concede land again when it lost most land to Turkey and Azerbaijan by the end of world war!!
