If cosA - sinA=1,prove that cosA + sinA=+-1

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If cosA - sinA=1 show that that cosA + sinA=+-1
If CosA+SinA=1, Prove that CosA-SinA=+_1
prove that cosA-sinA=+-1, when cosA+sinA=1
If CosA+SinA=1, Prove that CosA-SinA=+_1
prove that cosA-sinA=+-1, when cosA+sinA=1
If cosA - sinA=1,prove that cosA + sinA=+-1
If cosA + sinA = 1 , Prove that cosA - sinA = +-1
Prove that (cosA-sinA+1)/(cosA+sinA-1)=cosecA+cotA TRIGONOMETRY
Prove that (CosA - SinA + 1)/(CosA + SinA -1) = CosecA + CotA. | Class 10 | Tarun sir |
Prove that sinA/1 + cosA = 1 - cosA / sinA
Prove that sinA/1 +cosA=1-cosA/sinA ||Trigonometry identities ||10 th maths
Prove that, `(cosA)/(1+sinA)=(1+cosA-sinA)/(1+cosA+sinA)`
Prove that 1+cosA/sinA = sinA/1 - cosA, trigonometry, class 10
cos a-sina+1/cosa+sina-1=coseca+cota
Prove that : cosA/(1-tanA) + sinA/(1-cotA) = cosA+sinA ...|| Class 10 || rd question ||
prove that cosA-sinA+1/cosA+sinA-1=cosecA+cotA
Prove That cosA- sinA+1/cosA+sinA-1 = cosecA+ cotA |class 9| class 10
Prove that 1+cosA+sinA/1+cosA-sinA =1+sinA/cosA
Prove that cosA/(1+sinA) + (1+sinA)/cosA = 2secA
cosA- sinA+1/cosA+sinA-1=C𝑜secA+CotA | Prove the Identity Cos𝐴−S𝑖𝑛𝐴+1/C𝑜𝑠𝐴+Sin𝐴−1=C𝑜secA+CotA...
prove that cosa-sina+1/cosa+sina-1=coseca+cota | show that cosa-sina+1/cosa+sina-1=coseca+cota
Prove that CosA/1-tanA -- Sin²A/CosA-SinA = CosA +SinA
prove that cosA-sinA+1 ➗ cosA+sinA-1=cosecA+cotA
Show that (1+tan2a)/(1-tana). Cosa = 1/(cosa-sina) #math #youtube #shorts #tutor #mathtrick
Prove that ( cosA-sinA+1)/(cosA+sinA-1)=cosecA+cotA
prove that sinA/1+cosA+1+cosA/sinA#trigonometry
Prove that cosA/(1-tanA)+sinA/(1-cotA)=sinA+cosA
If cosA+sinA =√2cosA then Prove that cosA-sinA = √2sinA
sina-cosa=1 find sin4a+cos4a if SinA-CosA=1 then find Sin⁴A+Cos⁴A | sina-cosa=1 find sin⁴a+cos⁴a...