Steven Crowder REVEALS New Details On Timcast IRL About Daily Wire Conservative Creators Turn On Him

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The biggest news is Gerald is the CEO.


I’ve watched Steven since early on, he is a very passionate person (sometimes a little too sold on his own opinion) I think here he is trying to just bring it all back in a time where everyone has compromised for so long that compromise is becoming the toxic norm and I think he is done with it


I only ever really watched Steven and Matt Walsh, and I'm still gonna watch them both.


TimcastIRL w/ Candace Owens: 766K views in 4 days

TimcastIRL w/ Steven Crowder: 1mil views in less than 24 hours.


Steven is not saying that DW should be cancelled. He's not saying any of them are bad. He's only saying that they're doing the work of Big Tech for them. He's not saying that they're having secret meetings to fight against conservatism, only that they're essentially in bed with them by hard-coding subservience to big tech into their contracts. I still love me my DW content, Steven's 100% correct and that doesn't change my feelings for any DW creators. I'm not sure why everyone is so hysterical. DW just doesn't like getting called out, and I don't really blame them either, but the truth hurts. I don't have ANY issues with Crowder recording the phone conversation. I WOULD have a problem if he just blasted out the audio in his first video... but he didn't do that. DW outed themselves, and then Jeremy made statements about that phone call that (as far as we can tell) were untrue, essentially that Steven was laying into him and being very aggressive. Steven could either say, "no I didn't and I have the recording to prove it", making it a he-said/she-said thing, or play the clip. He caught them in a lie, and as he mentioned in his first email, he had receipts. Sorry, not sorry.


I can see points from both sides. However DW has acted in a hateful and petty way. The way Candice and Ben handled this is a great example of how not to handle criticism. You handle criticism with receipts. Not attack ads and PR campaigns. That’s how a politician would handle things. Sorry for swearing.


We need a change and steven Crowder has been the only one willing to help


Crowder came off very sincere, genuine and legit concerned about the future of conservative media.
I stand with Crowder


When I signed up as a DW all-access member a year ago, I was under the impression that they were moving away from relying on big tech as an essential revenue stream. But when they offered Crowder terms looking at the next 4-6 years that clearly contradicted that narrative, I felt I had been scammed. I've now cancelled my subscription entirely - if they want to rely on YouTube for revenue, then that's how I'll support them, but they're not getting another penny directly from me.


I think a lot of people missed Stevens point in all this and a lot of people are forgetting he never named the daily wire and he never attacked anyone personally


I'm sick and tired of the Matrix myself. I stand with Crowder till I see a viable reason I shouldn't.


The thing about the figs shirt, wasn't that Steven conformed with big tech, YT was threating a strike and suspension for a shirt he was selling on a completely different and unrelated platform.


Remember, Ben Shapiro was all in Team McCarthy with NO stipulations and smack talked the people holding out while playing ignorant as to what they were trying to accomplish even though he knew full well what was going on.


Ben streamed on Rumble for the first time because he’s sh1ting his pants. Steven called Ben (and other sites) out for being in bed with big tech rather then banning together and forming an alternative where demonetization and banning can’t happen


My biggest woah moment, was when we found out there was zero incentive in the term sheet if crowder did well. But they would drop the hammer for everything he did wrong.


You will find, most people who claim to be rebels, play ball for money in the end. Crowder is calling this out, and showing who is in it for the fight and who is in it for the money.


Barnes on Rekieta last night on the subject was great. I hope this is the end of it though, however I find it telling when Steven still didn’t say ONE bad thing about the DW hosts yet they’ve went all out on him.


I can't un-see the way Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro attacked Crowder. It felt childish and a little bit, sadly, narcissistic.


Dude, Crowder said he would love to be on Rumble only in a heartbeat. He needs YT to spread influence for now.


Only reason ABL said that about Crowder is cuz he’s friends with Candace Owens.
