This was the FIRST version of Terraria Calamity mod, from 2016. (calamity 1.0)

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Calamity mod is one of the biggest mods built for Terraria. In fact, it's so big that I could say it is THE biggest mod in Terraria. There's just a lot of effort and love poured into that thing: But, you wouldn't expect the mod to be like this from the day one. And guess what: This is how the mod looked like in day one. And it's... cursed.

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Most of the music used on this video was either taken from video games, or they're copyright-free music from Youtube Audio Library. The name of the songs is mentioned down below.
youtubers never look the first video they ever published
Used Music:
-Terraria calamity: The tale of a Cruel World
-Maplestory: Temple of Time
-Terraria Calamity: Universal Collapse (collapsed)
-Terraria Overhaul: Boss 3
-[outro 2.0]
[About AdamChromeE video]
AdamChromeE is a content creator on youtube who tries to examine one of the illogical, cursed, weird and strange phenomena in video games with his B-class videos. Most of his edits and comments are aimed to sarcastic view: You really, REALLY shouldn't take them too seriously, and Adam's contents are mostly for entertainment and educational purpose only.

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I hope you have a great day, as always!
Thanks for watching, I guess.
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>2/3 of all bosses are worms
Good to see that even this early version is already the Calamity we all know and love.


I remember when DoG was just the destroyer but reskin.


Fabsol himself actually uploaded the OG calamity mod as a new years gift


Wow, this mod has a lot of potential! I hope it gets more updates in the future, we may be seeing one of Tmodloader’s best in the near future guys


That 'someone' who uploaded the 1.0 version is leterally Fabsol himself


Oh man I remember when this first version came out, little did we know how amazing it would become


The way that the DoG song turns out from good to bad is funny 😂😂😂


I love how a purple mechanical spine of Cthulhu became who we know till today.


0:20 "someone"
literally Fabsol


was looking through my old subscriptions and found you! so happy to see how far youve came from 10, 000 subscribers!


While i haven't played this version of calamity so i cant say for sure, but the blade of enmity is probably a tanking item. Most people probably know the term "aggro" better, but enmity is basically the same thing, though it's mostly a term used in mmos. So the sword probably, or at least was intended, to draw enmity (aggro) to the player using it.


I remember it took me quite some time to learn about mods, saw one of Chippy's Calamity playthrough videos and was amazed by the limitless creativity mods allowed...
If I played Terraria since the first versions, I wish I found about Calamity a lot sooner.

I might play it to see the origin of such a great mod!


Blade of eternity used to be an absolute beast in the older versions of calamity mod, it was so powerful that they had to basically cut its swing speed in half


If ReLogic added a proper desert boss to the basegame in 1.5, every major content mod wouldn't feel obligated to add one of their own. It's now the only major biome that doesn't have a boss to represent it, not including the underground/caverns, but that would be cool, too.


It's surprising just how much of a glow-up the Calamity mod has had over the years. Much of the base content got added in the first three years of it's development, and a lot of the time after that's just been improving all of it to be even better...


Man... I remember starting playing when rust and dust update released
I was so exhausted by vanilla terraria(like 500 hours already played) i couldn't find anything new to the game so i tried mods
Best decision in my life tbh


0:53 - охуеть, не, серьёзно, лор настолько прописан, что ещё в первой версии упоминается Драедон?


Вспомнил обзор на Каламити от Хохмача (который, к сожалению, бросил канал). Он тогда сказал, что каламити — это "довольно некачественный мод", было это лет 7 назад, ещё во времена 1.3. Я тогда очень сильно запомнил пожирателя Богов, который был лишь респрайтом уничтожителя) Ещё у меня тогда была пиратская террария и я играл только на телефоне, поэтому не мог играть с модами и мне было очень грустно, ведь я хотел сразиться с пожирателем Богов, хотя не мог победить лунатика культиста на эксперте, хотя сейчас на инфернуме относительно легко побеждаю боссов) Хохмач делал ещё обзоры на моды, и очень мало модов получили продолжения в террарии 1.4, но Каламити мод получил, за что я очень рад) Эх, хорошие были времена во время версий 1.2 и 1.3)


0:20 - not someone, but Fabsol himself.


I wish the Devourer of Gods still gave me the Nebulous Cores which can be used as a substitute for Ascendant Spirit Essences.