RYOBI 18V 10' Snow Shovel --- This BLOWS!!! =( Honest Review

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Watch my honest review on this electric snow blower / shovel!

Buy it here!

0:00 - Intro
0:32 - Snow Shovel Fail
1:46 - 2 Things that I Disliked
2:22 - Conclusion
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I had the same problem so I could tell it was a problem with the trigger safety switch. I just snapped the trigger several times without the battery and it solved the problem. I live near Toronto and we have had a week of snow and I have used this regularly to clean my porch and deck of 2 to 6” of snow. I have a snowblower but it is to awkward to get on my deck, and too rough on the boards. This tool works great with lots of power and blows the snow 20 feet. I would recommend this, but like any of these size “shovels” it has limitations. I use it as a quick way of clearing snow from my walkways and avoid getting my blower out.


I appreciate this. Was planning on buying as I am getting older this but your first hand review really helps.


WOW, you must be unlucky one.... I bought it at The Home Depot like 5 years ago and it is still working.


I have a whole bunch of Ryobi 18 volt tools. Any of them with the safety switch gets the added screw treatment so I never have to push it again. Just push it on and put the screw in to hold it there always.


Thanks for the review. I was actually considering to buy this one. But i am relieved to see your review first. Might need to reconsider


It's not made for snow areas that get as much snow as you have in that picture. It says it's for sidewalks and decks. It was good to hear about the battery issues.


Hi Desy, great review! Too bad this product didn't work out for you but I'm glad you remained relatively positive about it. Unrelated to this product, what would be interesting is if you did a counter-review of a product you see has bad reviews but you suspect might deserve a second chance. Good luck! Also, great quality lighting in your videos. Nicely done.


Thanks!! Someone’s gotta do a review and I appreciate you doing this. Screw the mouth breathing commenters. Saves us from going out and buying it and returning it. Be well my man.


Thank you very much, I am 65 years old, now I know it is not for me. I appreciate your review.


Thanks for the review. I've been considering getting one of those snow throwers too.


A light weight snow shovel is so much easier you can either push the snow or throw it to the side as you fill the shovel, for larger areas you can get one of the wider heavy duty ones.


Thanks for the review but c'mon, I don't think that tool is meant for a fresh 8 inch layer of snow. Im looking to use it for dustings or an inch or two. The snow you were removing required a heavy duty snowblower not a battery operated, under $200 snow shovel!


Yeah same happens to me. The snow shovel worked good the first time. Now I used for second time and the battery no working despite that I charged for long time 😢 I need to returned to Home Depot 😡


Aww, that's too bad, but I thank you for this, BEFORE I spent my money.


Yo dezi.
If I bought this from you, used it hard and wanted to give it back, what would you say?
This is something we leave for our wives or moms to clear the area just outside the door. Lightweight, light duty. A man wants to clear a driveway with a tablespoon.
Then, you tell people the thing is no good and the easily influenced dont buy it.
These are on sale black Friday for 50% off well worth it.


You don't have to hold the safety switch the entire time. You push it to unlock the trigger, then as long as you are holding the trigger on, the safety switch stays by itself.


It’s been sitting in my Amazon’s wish list for over a year, now I can remove it! If you find anything better, please let us know.


Ryobi power tools shut off when the motor is too stressed. I'm guessing overheating. If you wait a bit, it comes back to life.
I'd try the 40 volt version or a real pushalong for deep blankets of snow.


I think you expected too much from this tool. It might work for 1 to 2 inches snow 9which can be easily managed with hand shovel anyway). Looking at the snow you tried to clear, there's no way it could manage it (died on the spot, that's awful). I hope Ryobi stops marketing / selling it because it is actually quite useless.


Good thing i saw this before buyin it...
