Amy Poehler Is Super Creative In Two Minutes | Fast Company

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A stapler. Some Post-It notes. An old calculator. Ketchup. Those were a few of the crazy items we gave to "Parks and Recreation" expert Amy Poehler to see how creative the No. 8 most creative person in the world (according to us, this year) could be. The results may surprise you—and will certainly delight you, especially if you are easily delighted. For each new invention Amy came up with, Fast Company is donating $100 to Worldwide Orphans. So how much scratch did we raise with Amy's help? Watch to find out!
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A cool belt that when you walk, it drops.

Best invention ever.


There is something about not having much time to figure things out that makes you more clever over time. It's like your brain expands and makes connections between ideas faster because it learns to do that. For me, it was working as a cashier for many years alone and having to solve every problem that came up before someone got angry.

People love to crap on you for working a regular job, but there is tremendous value in it. It teaches discipline, self-motivation, and the ability to meet deadlines- which have REALLY come in handy in my creative work.


no matter what Amy says, find her really attractive .
