Altogen Biosystems In Vitro Beta TC 6 Transfection Tutorial

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The disorder diabetes mellitus occurs with high blood sugar resulting from either the inability to properly use insulin or the inability of the pancreas to properly produce insulin. There is a rare type of neuroendocrine tumor called insulinoma that originates in pancreatic islet cells; this type of cancer is most commonly treated with surgical resection. Preclinical studies of insulinoma are particularly critical as it is difficult to find enough participants for clinical trials as the tumor type is so rare. A common scientific technique in drug discovery preclinical trials is transfection of cancer cells with exogenous material. The Beta-TC-6 pancreatic cell line was derived from the primary pancreatic tumor tissue of a transgenic mouse with insulinoma. Beta-TC-6 cells exhibit beta cell type epithelial cell morphology and are a transgenic model with SV40 T antigen. The Beta-TC-6 cell model produces insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin; insulin release can be induced with glucose. Beta-TC-6 cells have been used for biomedical research studies related to diabetes.
Altogen Biosystems offers pre-optimized two component Beta-TC-6 lipid-mediated transfection kits available at:
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