15 Super HANDY Things To Always Do FIRST in Stardew Valley 1.5! (GUIDE)

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➤ Welcome to my new updated starter guide for Stardew Valley 1.5. Today I share with you my 15 favourite tips that really helped me progress much more easily and a lot faster when starting a new farm in Stardew Valley. I am hoping they bring you help and guidance to!

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About the mixed seeds I like saving them for ginger island because if you plant them there they could grow into blueberries and pineapples ・ᴗ・


The last tip is so true, we shouldn't be stressing about time because there's always the next day. This game is meant to be for chilling and having fun.


One of my favorite tips is you only need one silo and one silo period.. granted it only holds 250 pieces of hay etc.. but once you unlock the silo and get yourself a coop.. you can place a chest in your coop and then empty your silo viva the hay shoot.. then place the hay into the the chest.. go out harvest the grass to make hay fill the silo.. granted this only works until you have a max level barn/coop aka the auto feeder sorta ruins your ability to access the hay shoot.


As a new player of Stardew Valley (who is actually finding it quite difficult ngl...no-one has ever accused me of being a gamer lol) this is one of the only videos on YouTube that have actual tips for BEGINNERS and not just tips for the experienced player. It is super useful, thanks so much!


Don't forget to take your hoe to the mines and hoe the dirt spots for easy clay, cave carrots and artifacts


For anyone wondering no it is a bad idea to sell those 15 parsnip seeds with the gold you have, you get more farming exp and more consistent gold just using parsnips plus once you get that crop done you have the time needed to plant a bunch of potatoes and sell them before the egg festival (aka strawberry time bebe)

But it doesn’t really matter much for the most part pick which start you want honestly


My best tip which I've not seen - it's a faff but 100% worth it; 3 cabins have the same footprint as 2 sheds. They have 3x the floor space of a big shed and a cellar each at max upgrade. If you have the resources, 1 person can upgrade all 3 in a day with time to upgrade your barns at the same time (they don't use a Robin build slot). Once they're max level that's 500 casks, 300 kegs, 100 crystalariums, 50 furnaces 20 bone presses, and space for loads and loads more and leaves your farmhouse completely free to decorate - and no sheds! Wine alone is 10 mil a year once you have greenhouse and cabins!

Oh... And put cheese presses, mayo churns and looms in your coops. Lastly iridium wool sells for more than cloth and iridium truffles even with artisan perk (iridium is guaranteed with forager perk now that hardwood is renewable)


The time thing gets me still. I used to play the farming games where time was restrictive and you had to finish by year x or lose. Still this is the best farming game out IMO.


That bed tip is invaluable, for real. Hope you, baby sharky and lady shark are doing well!


One tip I would give is checking the traveling merchant on Fridays and Sundays, 2500 for the coffee beans sounds pricy at first but it's a two season crop that I've made tons of money on in year one. Also can help you with your community bundles 😁


Bug meat should be used for making fishing bait. 1 meat = 5 bait = up to 5 fish to sell or eat. It works out a lot better than 10 meat for 1 meal and levels your fishing skill too. The only reason not to turn bug meat into bait is if you simply don't want to fish. You will need to get a few levels in fishing to buy the rod that allows bait to be used, but I think it is definitely worth it to do so.


The menu option I choose first, as soon as I have control is Lock Toolbar. Instead of your toolbar jumping to the top(or bottom) of your screen when you get close to it, it turns transparent.
I have vision issues, and the jumping toolbar tends to give me eye strain.
I lock mine on the bottom, but you can lock it at the top if you prefer.


Best year one tip for massive money, horde foragables, wood, fiber & befriend Caroline! Get tea saplings, do not plant, just sell for 500 gold EACH!


The last tip is probably the most important! I've recently reached the stage that unlocks the bigger challenges board & it is stressful to complete those...better ignore them & enjoy the game at your pace!


Before I forget: regarding the chest in the mines: I tend to keep my sword/weapons in the mine chest, so I a) can drop it there, saving inventory space for other things I want to bring with me back to the farm and b) don't forget it/miss it when going mining again, planned or spontaneous. It just happened too many times to me, and I don't carry my sword with me around until I get the 36 slots backpack upgrade, so the sword oftentimes stays in a chest in the farm.


If you're running the river farm like in your video, crab pots are amazing, especially when you get the profession that makes them significantly cheaper to craft, and eventually require no bait. I have infinite food all year round, as you can make several recipes with fish, sashimi being the obvious easy pick, which you unlock by befriending Linus.

Setup some recycling bins, and you'll have more refined quartz than you know what to do with (I consider refined quartz a trash item, I have so many). Refined quartz is a great stone/wood substitute for making pathways on the farm, once you have the crystal pathway recipe unlocked. Recycling trash you get from crab pots is also a great way to get supplemental coal, iron, and cloth. You'll also have more torches than you know what to do with. I used them to light paths around town early game, and now, I just sell them. They're basically worth nothing, but it beats throwing them away. Early game, that little extra income can be useful.

People trash-talk the river farm, but I like it. Besides, if I want to plant a lot of crops, I just do that on Ginger Island, which is basically a massive outdoor greenhouse. I use the river farm as a fishery/ranch, and the island farm as my crop farm. Well, I also use the river farm for tree farming in the SW corner.


Another tip for grass/ hay. Put a lightning rod on top of a grass starter in your animal's pasture. It prevents the animals from eating it and you from cutting it down. Also, the rod never deteriorates so it will always be there. You can use a ton of the lightning rods for the fencing as well but it takes some time for you to craft enough of them.


I do disagree with some of these because it’s all subjective, a good list though.
I would suggest keeping the parsnips and spending the rest of yours day one money on parsnips. When ready to harvest sell for potatoes as that will get you a lot of money just in time for strawberries!
Keep a potato and a parsnip plant any mixed seeds to get a cauliflower and at some point buy a green bean starter. For the cc bundle.

Forage constantly and befriend Caroline. I make all my spring forage into seeds once I have a bunch I plant it all and turn it into seeds again. use the recipe you get from reaching 2 hearts with Caroline to make tea saplings. An ABSURDLY GOOD early money method!!! Needs 2 seeds, 5 wood, 5 fiber. Farm fiber on floor 21 in the mines and if all out of wood you could buy some from robin for 10 gold. I bet you could complete joja mart month one using that method. Maybe not idk


I never use the initial 500 on seeds, I plant my parsnips to use as food or gifts, then fish for most of the first week (except for a trip into the mines around day 5-6 (most often 6 so I can use the first travelling merchant day to forage and do errands in town). I tend to have enough money for a fiberglass rod and 100 pieces of bait day 2-3 (day 2 is only if I get super lucky on chests while fishing, usually its near the beginning of day 3 I get it)

This usually lets me buy the first backpack upgrade, 2x rare seeds and anything else I want from the travelling merchant by day 7, as well as having enough money left over to get roughly 40x kale seeds to raise my farming level. Just gotta be wary of overbuying seeds afterwards, because with the initial watering can you use up so much time and energy watering cops that its easy to overbuy them and it really limits you on what you can do.

Also, if you leave the trees as stumps they'll continue to spread seeds around them, so if you plant all 3 tree types in a small area (or clear out an area around 3 that already exist on your farm and then make those into stumps) you can check that area for seeds and hoe them up to make field snacks.

Also you might not always want to eat your lowest value fish. For example, an iridium herring gives you a lot more energy than a gold herring, but it doesn't sell for that much more. Imo its better to eat an iridium herring or anchovy when I need that extra bit of energy to keep fishing and I don't have anything else.

Also, in my experience the ocean tends to give the best money for your fishing early on. Bullheads and Chubs do sell for more than anchovies, sardines, and herring, but you'll find a ton of carp as well which sell for crap, and the largemouth bass don't appear past 6pm so you won't be able to catch the most valuable fish there. Meanwhile you'll have chances for flounder or halibut all throughout the day at the ocean (though sometimes you'll only catch one or the other. iirc you can catch both in the morning, flounder only in the afternoon, and halibut only past around 6pm. Overall with the removal of carp and the ability to catch more valuable fish all day long I tend to make more money at the ocean (often 1k-1500 more over the course of a day.

You are absolutely right about catfish being the best money though, but I tend to catch those just outside of Leah's cabin in cindersnap forest. I once got 16 catfish in one day there, and made over 7k between all the fish and gems I got from treasure chests. Plus if you fish often enough you have a decent shot at getting a Neptune's Glaive or Broken Trident from a treasure chest, and those can both help a ton in the mines early on.

Other than that great stuff I actually hadn't realized the paths made you faster, I'm gonna have to make a few roads around my farm now.


Okay so I also like to have my tv by the bed, but for the record as long as you make it inside your house- you will not lose money the next day- you do not actually need to make it to bed💁🏽‍♀️ i do however love my bed next to the door still just because it does still save me those extra few seconds in the mornings! Layout is important 👏
