2026 SpaceX Earth to Mars Mission ft. Elon Musk (Animation)

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SpaceX's first crewed mission to Mars could be just four years away. Company founder and CEO Elon Musk said that he's "highly confident" SpaceX will launch people toward the Red Planet in 2026, adding that the milestone could come as early as 2024 "if we get lucky."

#SpaceX #Mars #Starship

Music in the Video:
Song: Colin Root - Blackout (No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Tunetank.
Song: Victor Cooper - Last Hope (No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Tunetank.
Elon Musk is definitely the most ambitious of all the space race competitors. While China has accepted that sending humans to Mars is a long-term goal, the founder of SpaceX wants to send humans over sooner than later, Bloomberg reports. Like, in the next decade. He even said, last year during an interview, that he was confident a crewed mission could take place as soon as 2026. Musk has enough sense to admit that it would be “tough sledding over there” adding that “a bunch of people probably will die at the beginning,” in an interview with X Prize Foundation founder Peter Diamandis. But numerous scientists, on the other hand, are far more concerned, warning of the multiple challenges confronting deep-space travel. This is what Musk should be worried about:

The insane distance between getting there and back: Mars is so far away that the logistics are one of the toughest things for scientists to figure out: With the distance between Mars and Earth varying between 35 million miles and 249 million miles [which takes between six to nine months] due to their elliptical orbits, there’s only a small window available when the two are ideally aligned for space travel. Getting home would be just as challenging, with the added concern of where to get enough rocket fuel. Unfortunately, the total fuel needed is too heavy to carry on the trip to Mars, so Joseph Michalski, an associate professor who explores the habitability of Mars at the University of Hong Kong, said astronauts and scientists would have to make the fuel while they were on the red planet.

Solar Radiation: A solar flare is the most powerful type of explosion in the solar system, equivalent to 100 million hydrogen bombs. Anybody travelling into deep space would simply not survive if they were hit by this kind of radiation: “It’s a very gruesome way to die,” said Lewis Dartnell, a professor and specialist in astrobiology in the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Westminster in London. Yikes.

Massive dust storms: Dust storms could be devastating, according to Nilton Renno, a professor at the University of Michigan whose research interests include astrobiology: During such a storm, “it’s almost like midnight on the surface of Mars for two months,” Renno said. “If you are there with solar panels for power, you very likely don’t survive. You don’t have enough energy to keep things warm enough.”

Water, food, and oxygen: Snow algae might be the solution to growing food on the red planet.
NASA has been supporting this research by Elisabeth Hausrath – an associate professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas – for the past year. Snow algae is a type that’s common in the Nevada desert and other high-altitude, low-nutrient environments on Earth, which are the exact conditions found on Mars: “They’ve been growing great,” she said. The idea is that the algae could grow in greenhouses made of a flexible material similar to that of a space suit. Growing algae in such conditions could not only create a source of food but also produce oxygen. The Mars travelers also need to have water on hand, which they can’t necessarily bring with them, or enough, anyway.
Luckily, the planet does have some sub-surface ice that could be water sources, which future Mars mission would need to map out: “Once you know where the ice is, those are locations where you might send humans,” said Victoria Hamilton, a planetary geologist at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. So it looks like life on Mars for us earthlings wouldn’t be all that Musk makes it out to be. But who knows where 50 to 100 years of technological advancements and scientific research will get us.
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Incredible job dude, you killed it! Would you happen to have an email that our team could reach you at?


Mars part starting 1:52. For best quality - watch in 1440p. This is Part 1. Part 2 is coming soon.


Too underrated artist! Hope you would get more subscribers


Damn this is making me rethink life lol


I loved the audio. Plus the way you got Elon Musk inside that space suit. Cool humour. 🤗


The lift off needs to be more dramatic (like a SaturnV), a more powerful exhaust and sound when it takes off.


Модельки, движения и углы камеры, освещение - всё на отличном уровне. Не уверен, твой ли это стиль, или просто недоработка - но постарайся с освещением от Солнца. Если это твой стиль (как я говорил ранее), и ты не идёшь к полному реализму картинки - без проблем, я только за!
Читал комментарии, вижу, ты согласен когда-нибудь сделать вторую часть, так вот идеи:
Приземляются автономные танкеры, у каждых есть свои секторы по полезному грузу - запасы (топливо, еда, кислород, органика, хим. соединения …), компьютеризированная механика (роверы, дроны, радиостанции, локаторы …), наземное вспомогательное оборудование (синтезатор метана, микроволновый приемник, отдельные баки для топлива и воды, краны, лифты, конструкторы, 3д принтеры …).
Затем начинается автоматизированный сбор ресурсов вокруг посадочной площадки. Вывозится конструктор, его настраивают и тот начинает строить первые марсианские дома. С помощью лифта и заранее установленного крана выводиться и на поверхности собирается по частям крупногабаритное наземное оборудование. После окончания постройки домов люди в очередной раз выходят и строят дома изнутри (интерьер, и, возможно, что-то под землёй, для укрытия).
Топливо и кислород продолжают синтезироваться.
В это время посадочные площадки в зоне для новых автономных кораблей готовы.
Чуть позже начинается постройка куполов для содержания искусственной биосферы, почти вся органика за бортом переносится в те купола.
Через несколько сол проявляется своего рода инфраструктура, способная поддерживать себя на протяжении определенного времени.
Прилетает больше людей и несколько автономных, процесс повторяется, но в более крупном масштабе. Собирается по частям большой транспорт для изучения поверхности. Больше людей означает больше рабочей силы.
К этому времени первичные марсианские дома покрыты слоями льда и почвы, а новые, с большой вместительностью, уже потихоньку собирают конструкторы и 3д принтеры.
После окончания главной сборки у людей на поверхности есть кислород, искусственно выращенная еда, метан для топлива, несколько жилищ, механические прибомбасы для изучения и на борту стоящих кораблей, и на поверхности, и в самих домах.
Приходит время некоторым покидать планету, имея достаточное количество топлива для возврата на Землю.
*λ - paragraph ended*

(Я могу быть во многом не прав, но учитывая некоторые некорректные детали в анимациях, думаю, этого будет достаточно.)

И ещё, если всё же будешь делать вторую часть, то даю идею сделать вид входа в атмосферу прямо над кораблём, дав людям крутой взгляд на плазму по бокам.
*+* Я впервые увидел вид запуска изнутри, это была очень крутая идея. Надеюсь, когда-нибудь повторишь.


Wonder what would say Elon after see this video?
Excellent job. Thank you to make our dreams visible on youtube👍😉


I imagine... they finish landing, going outside... and there is only cold, alien desert around them. And no way to home. Its creepy.


The only thing I would have done differently is smooth out the lines on the booster but other than that this is amazing and good job


Excellent video my friend. Waiting for the second part...


I would suggest for 1 and other 4 cargo starship or settles the robots and let them do they job before crews land.


At the end, there wouldn't be that degree of shock diamonds due to the significantly reduced atmospheric pressure.


Actually, the location is Starbase, TX.


Beautiful, I also want to see Robots & Drones landing on Venus during night time, Venus night time has 3000+ hours.


La verdad? es un sueño, pero espero vivir para verlo, y sera un sueño hecho realidad!!!


Este gran maestro llamados elon musk !!! Trajo a la humanidad la herramientas que faltaba para que el humanos seas interplanetario ¡¡¡ que grande elon musk !!! Saludos al canal .


Must hurry up, shipment of person's must start in less than 8years! 😎


Yeah looks great, but one thing, just a little thing, who builds the concrete Floor to land ?


i think you should also do a colony video now on what will happen next like a mini series if you know what i mean
