Proof That Storage Wars Is Totally Fake

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Almost every reality show has faced at least a little bit of controversy for not being entirely truthful, but most of them haven’t faced lawsuits over it. Storage Wars, an A&E reality show about people who buy the contents of storage lockers, is one of the few reality shows that has been taken to court over how unrealistic it is.

In fact, it was one of the show’s former stars that brought the lawsuit. Former star Dave Hester claimed he was tired of being part of a show that was scripted in every way, and he held nothing back in his revelations. Let’s take a look at the proof that Storage Wars is fake.

#StorageWars #A&E #RealityTV

Its own star said so | 0:00
A&E's self-incriminating defense | 1:00
‘Expressive free speech’ | 1:45
Full circle | 2:33
Producer-admitted gray areas | 3:16
Lines are scripted | 4:01
Leveling the playing field | 4:50
Plastic surgery? | 5:32
The auctions are faked | 6:03
Unpalatably salty | 6:57
Not really appraisers | 7:47
Making lockers fit the narrative | 8:32
Antiques Roadshow said so | 9:07

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What reality TV show do you want to see exposed next?


I thought an obvious tip off is the crowd of "bidders" just stand there while the stars are the only ones that bid and win the lockers.


Im in the storage auction business and can tell you a lot of us make close to or over $100k a year. Its a volume game. I found a $20, 000 watch in one last month. But that doesn't happen everyday. Most look like junk. Junk sells if you know how to sell it. Storage Wars was definitely exaggerated but the truth is people wont watch 15 boring units to get to 1 good one. The cast is in the storage auction business and they all make good money. The show is altered for viewing pleasure.


Mountain Men got me last week. Had to turn it off. Usetace blew up a fake still on his land. That was it for me.


Show may be scripted but that woman is real as it gets


Of course it is fake. And all other similar shows are fake too. Imagine IRL you make 100 attempts and spend tens thousands $ just to win a box with old porn magazines.


That's the reason why I don't watch TV anymore except for Saturday nights on PBS. It's all crap. Between every 7 minutes with the commercials saying DOT COM and all the crap the shows sell, I QUIT ! I read books and watch YouTube movies.


The reality of human nature and the things that interact with it are twisted painful and shameful! . . . That's why we turn on the TV, love politics, follow religions, and watch "realities TV shows". . . We all love to be fooled, we all need to feel alive, even when we are not.


Who cares if it's fake or not? It's entertainment.


That explains why Moser crystal is so cheap


like to find Mary's treasure...if ya know what I mean.


So, most people don't abandon really valuable stuff in storage lockers! I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.


Proof that storage wars is fake:

It's a reality show on cable tv.


They are fake !! Buddy in California mom owns a storage units in riverside ca they came to her asking to rent units to fill with crap and film !


Even if people left valuable inside a storage locker, which they generally don't, the owners of the storage locker business' are going to rummage through them before putting them up for sale.


I worked in the auction business for 19 years. The very first episode I saw of "Storage Wars", I knew I was in no way watching reality. Its sad that most of the general public were mistaken into thinking storage locker auctions actually occur like this. The prices go grossly to high. Real people do NOT consistantly bid on value they are hoping MIGHT be inside. This is a phenomenon that occurs in isolated incidents, and never to the outlandish heights frequently observed in this television show.


Having ran a storage facility I can say that all units are looked over before any auction is held. We would go through them in the middle of the night before the auction is held. If you get anything valuable it’s because it was looked over accidentally or we ran out of time.


Most of the stuff in storage places is porn and trash and old mattresses and furniture lol


When you sometimes see the same items appearing in Pawn Stars, Storage Wars and American Restoration. You get an idea that they are all staged.


Storage Wars Texas faked? Storage Wars New York faked? Storage Wars Canada faked? (Yep, there was a Storage Wars Canada, shown on Outdoor Life Network there. Lasted a couple seasons, similar format to the U.S. series, but no auction assistant with "Don't forget to the lady!")
