The Barista Touch™ | Make third wave specialty coffee with a touchscreen | Sage Appliances UK

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With the Barista Touch, you can create your perfect coffee in minutes and it will be just as great as one made by your local barista.

Be hands on like a barista or swipe and select for automatic coffee making. With an intuitive touch screen display, built-in grinder and automatic milk texturing, the Barista Touch™ allows you to select from all your café favourites or create and save your very own third wave specialty coffee at home.

The Barista Touch™ features:
- Intuitive touch screen display simplifying how you make your coffee, so you can easily adjust the grind, coffee strength, milk texture and temperature then save your personalised settings with your own unique name
- Ability to create and save up to 8 personalised coffees on the touch screen
- An auto-steam wand, which allows you to not only adjust the milk temperature and texture to suit your taste, but also deliver third wave specialty microfoam that enhances flavour and is essential for creating latté art. The steam wand also includes an automatic cleaning feature
- Innovative ThermoJet™ heating system, helping achieve the optimum extraction temperature in 3 seconds
- Digital Temperature Control (PID), delivering water at precisely the right temperature, ensuring optimal espresso extraction
- Integrated conical burr grinder with dose control delivering the right amount of coffee on demand, for maximum flavour
- Innovative grinding cradle allowing any at-home barista to grind directly into the espresso portafilter

About Sage Appliances:
Over the past 90+ years Sage has grown to become an iconic global brand, delivering kitchen products to over 70 countries around the globe. The company goes to market as the Sage Appliances brand in the UK and Europe, and as the Breville brand in the rest of the world. Sage has enhanced people’s lives through the delivery of brilliant innovation and thoughtful design based on deep consumer insights, empowering people to do things more impressively or easily than they’d thought possible in their own home and ultimately allowing them to Master Every Moment™.

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