6 Signs You’re An Attractive Older Man (Even If You Don’t Think So)

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6 Signs You’re An Attractive Older Man (Even If You Don’t Think So).

Today, we're diving into a topic that might surprise many of you: the subtle yet unmistakable signs that you, as an older man, are more attractive than you think. It's not just about a handsome face or a fashionable wardrobe; it's about certain behaviors, traits, and attitudes that make you stand out. And trust me, these signs are often overlooked or underestimated. Oh and stick around until the end as I will share an exclusive, bonus tip that could redefine your understanding of attractiveness. So, are you ready to discover the qualities that make you irresistibly attractive?

You may have stumbled onto today's video because you're looking for dating advice on the following topics: Signs she likes you, does she like me, how to know if a woman likes you, how to tell if a woman likes you, how to attract younger women, dating younger women, older men dating younger women, how to attract women, how age gap relationships work & many more along a similar theme. Today's video will provide you with everything you need if you're struggling with the situations mentioned above.

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The irony of life. Once you get older you get the ones you couldn't when you were younger. Then you find out you don't want them.


I am an older man. I didn't see any older men in the video!


Im 67, my wife of 10 years is now 37. She chased me for 3 years before i caved. She is a beautiful woman. I was scared i couldnt keep her.i married her thinking i would enjoy it as long as she stayed. 10 years later, she is still here. We scratch by but it dosent bother her, she isnt about money, just being loved. And boy, does she return it.


I was considered as just a clumsy old man until I accidentally dropped my Mercedes key at the checkout counter. Now I'm an intriguing, distinguished, mature gentleman. Figure that out.


I'm old enough to really not give a f##k anymore.


I could take this more seriously if you actually showed older men with younger women, but you are showing just the younger crowd


Six signs: 1. Porsche. 2. Rolex 3. Hamptons 4. Yacht 5. Gulfstream 6. Portfolio


When they ask my age, I say Old enough to know better, ....sometimes but I do it anyway😂


I’m single, 71 years old, still healthy and decent shape… I take three or four international trips a year and have better luck with foreign women than I did when I was much younger…age is just not that big a deal as it is in Western cultures…


There's a study where people tell you what age they find a gender most attractive, women were at 18, & MEN WERE AT 50!


older men know they no longer have to have or need them.That's what is sexy to them.They want what they know they can't have.


When I was 41, a young woman I work with who was 22 at the time, made it clear she was interested in a relationship. After work had finished for the day, at the company car park, she asked me for a hug and did not let go, I got the message. We were together for two years. But her controlling behaviour in the last few months of the relationship I would not tolerate, gave her several chances to change but she did not. So I ended the relationship. Mostly she was great to be around, but her banshee side was not worth it.


Thank you for easing my conscience.

I'm 61 and in love with a wonderful.lady half my age. I look a decade younger than I am and I have zest for life, new experiended and learning.


I'm 61 and retired military. I work in customer service to keep busy. I can tell you a brief eye contact and a genuine smile will get a womans attention at any age. They will almost glow when they smile back. That alone makes my day.


All the video clips are of younger guys with chicks their age. 😂


I dropped my platinum American Express card and she smiled and raised her eyebrows as she handed it back to me 😎.


This channel is packed with so much wisdom for all men, whether you're interested in dating younger women or not.


The most attractive would be a nice healthy bank account no woman could resist that.


When I was young, I could notice signs a woman was attracted to me and I responded many times, but I also kind of ignored them if I wasn’t attracted! You just have to be honest but tactfull. The important thing is not being mean to them, whether you are attracted or not!!!


It's about compation, and being comfortable in you're own skin-
I'm 62, and the flood gates of perspective "dates" has gone up exponentially- As for my "counterparts" here in the comments section who think it's all about "money" you all are missing the point completely! It's all about good character and integrity- Additionally, who would want the company of a woman who's only imprest by the size of your wallet-
