Merrell SUCKS!!! by TheGearTester

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In the last 5 years I have purchased 6 pairs of Merrell shoes/boots. I have been dissatisfied with the quality, durability and longevity of Merrell's footwear.
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I am a foot(wear) expert, most shoes/boots will start to deteriorate around 9 months of continuous use. In the video you show how one boot wears more on the heel than the other. This is because you supinate, or roll to the outside of your foot, which causes wear on the outside. I would say you got your money out of all of them. The chameleon series was meant to be a light packing/speed hiker series, you are comparing them to a heavy pack boot. My point is this review is not very good because you compare to different class boots like they are the same


You do realize you are comparing a shoe that cost $300+ vs 2 pairs of shoes that cost around $120?? Not the best example of a side by side review imo.


Can't compare heavy duty boots to a set of hiking sneakers. Different breads.


One of the few good things about the UK is if any footwear does not last at least 12 months they are considered "not fit for purpose" and we have a statutary right of replacement or refund.


Merrell, the best hiking, everyday shoe I've owned. I've have not had the issues you have. Salomon are way overpriced.


You're comparing apples to steak... A Chevy Cruze to a corvette. Etc etc.

Glad you bought the flagship pair used, but it's in a different league than the cheapie ones you replaced them with twice!!

That saying "you get what you pay for" holds true even among the same company.

I wear merrel for light duty. Medium duty I use American made Danner's, and when shit gets real, meindl's from Germany suffice.


You're comparing two different purposed shoes, just weight the two and no need to waste everyone's time. One is meant to be light with mesh, softer thinner suede, and a lower toe to heel ratio. They're not built nor meant to last as long as the other pair. Compare apples to apples, but a current model Merrell boot equivalent in build abd purpose as the old pair, wear and tear, then compare. Don't waste people's time.


Undependently of brand and age of those products, you are actually comparing a real hiking boot, meant for mountain hikes, with high shoes, its categorized as a "hiking shoe", and supports the ankle, but a different category of product for sure. It's like comparing a yacht to a canoe


Completely different shoes. What was the original price of the italian-made shoes vs the cameleon? If I had to guess I'd say the full leather hiking boot style would be at *least* twice the cost of the more mixed use ones you've purchased recently. Apples to oranges. Buy a pair of Zamberlan boots if you want true quality and don't want to replace them for say at least 5 years.


ive owned ...and am actually wearing them now, Merrell Ridge Gore Tex II, for the better part of 11 years. Best boots ive ever owned. Avid outdoorsman and outdoor worker, theyve got several seasons left in them.


Merrell have seriously went down hill, their boot and shoe construction was so substantial there motto used to be "Try to Wear Me Out" and it was almost impossible to wear them out. I threw out my used Merrill Boots after 12 years (I wore them week in and week out and have climbed a lot of big point things in them), there was not a break in them, my feet just got to big for them. I replaced them with a pair of Merrell MOAB's (as I have Miendle 4 Season boots I got for Everest), these MOAB's which lasted 12 - 18 months, the top split from the sole. Merrell really need to get back to building quality, made in China says it all.


Merrell has changed something and after 10 plus years of loyalty I made the change to Salomon. My last two boots from Merrell fell completely apart in less than a year of medium use. In the past these shoes lasted over two years of heavy use something is different and they do not manufacture quality anymore.


Merrells are easily my favorite shoes period. I have an injured foot going back 10 years and merrell have been my best bet. I worked in landscaping for 8 years now deliver for ups so i put serious work in on merrell shows. Good shoes.


First Merell ever purchased, the Vego, (almost exactly to the bottom right in the beginning of the video) I agree about ankle support. It’s second to none. I can literally just walk carelessly on uneven, rocky terrain without rolling my ankles. Wish I bought more pairs.


You are comparing completely leather boots to hiking shoes with a lot of fabric. A big part of it is actually the weight, but you're right they tend to use cheaper materials all around. However, comparing cost/quality ratio they are likely almost equal. If you look the the original price of those boots they're probably pretty pricey(at least for the time they were originally sold). Now their boots are pretty cheap.

I like Merrell's hiking shoes, but I've heard a lot good things about Vasque St. Elias GTX.


Thanks for sharing! I noticed that with a pair of my Merrell shoes I had last purchased. I had previously purchased more then few pairs and wondered why the more recently purchased pair came apart on me. Thanks for the honest feedback.


I bought a pair of Merrell shoes a year ago and I’ve been impressed how well they’ve held up. I work outdoors so I’m harder than most on footwear. I bought another pair today.


I have worn Merrell shoes and boots for over 15 years and never had an issue with longevity. I use them not just for hiking, but when renovating houses - doing every job imaginable (often on hands and knees, where the boots get really scuffed), they get covered in all sorts of building debris, and they last for ages. One pair lasted me for 3 house renovations over 3 years. They are better than heavy duty work boots and outlast anything Salomon or North Face. I also have Merrell casual shoes and trainers. I'm 15 stone and I'm hard on my footwear. They are the best.


You only wore the leather boots for work and hikes, you wore the other shoes EVERY DAY. Obviously you will have wear on something being used every day, also the leather are way more expensive than the other two. I mean my god you got the higher end second hand probably because of the price shouldn't that explain the difference anyways?


Some things to consider (without judging the Merrells):
1) It is common knowledge that everyday use of the same shoe is a very destructive, costly and unwise use of shoes. When the shoe never have time to completely dry and the sole have no time to fully "inflate" its degeneration is accelerated. It'ss also very bad for the user, with everything from smelly feet to back problems as common cause. ALWAYS alternate between at least two, preferably tree different shoes.
2) It is a lot of ranting about "Chinese made" in the comments. Don't blame the Chinese. Blame the customers. I bought a pair of Merrells as student 25 years ago. Full grain leather. Top quality. They where close to $200, at that time. So that would be close to $500 today. If customers are not willing to pay more than $150 for boots from a company who built their reputation on $500 boots, don't be surprised that quality doesn't meet expectation.
3) When it comes to rubber soles, it is clear that removal of Phthalates and other dangerous substances in recent years have taken its toll on rubber longevity and durability. Sadly, to the point where extraordinary good longevity and durability should raise suspicion that something is not by the book.

Just some thought!

I much appreciate feedback from anyone that have compared boots from different companies and can give advice. As I said my $200 (now $500) Merrell lasted me many years of good service (although they always had some problem with breathability, which might be inherent with full grain).

Asolo Fugitive fits nice and problem free. Will require shoes to be removed on every break to allow proper ventilation. After 2 strenuous treks in harsh conditions (total 400 km/250 miles) fabric is starting to rip where toe bend due to poor manufacturing, neglected overcast stitch and insufficient seam allowance.

Lowa zephyr. Bought without Goretex, to see if breathability could be improved over Asolo. Test not yet conclusive. However, sole feels thinner compared to Asolo since you feel more "in the sole" than on top of the sole compared to Asolo. Not yet used on any real challenging endeavors.
