Gundams or Bionicles?

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Y'know, the commercial? With the song?

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Bionicle was the gateway drug for a lot of kids to eventually collect action figures and model kits as adults.


It's not Gundams or Bionicle, it's Gundams and Bionicles. Real homies have both.


Started with Bionicles when I was a kid and then Gunpla in my 20s. Never cared much for the various anime series, I’ve liked a few but I really just like building them.


Say it with me brothers:

The bottom of the deepest seas are shrouded in mystery and seuperstition. Some say it's a hostility place, inhabited by the strangest creatures. Others, that it's a prison, for the most dangerous outcasts. Legend has it that the only way ever getting out is a mask, a mask they say that ever deep sea creature is willing to fight for, and risk their life to possess.
But the only way of ever finding out,
is to go there - and see for yourself.

-cue the music-


"Remember the bionicle commercial with the song"
When I was a kid I downloaded this song into my mp3 library and played it like a maniac, song slaps (there's a few of them, but my favorite was Gravity Hurts by Cryoshell)


I recently got into Gunpla model kits, but I will always be a lifelong Bionicle fan.


As a Bionicle junkie myself, it's always good to hear it circulating around.

Also this vid was uploaded on my B-day, how fitting!


Bionicle is one of those lines that was never intended for anything but a way to save Lego from bankruptcy, but became it’s own complex multimedia story. And it clearly has moved past the years with Lego and became its own fan base making fan games that are actually releasing in Steam. Not to mention the 3D printing and resin sub communities providing new parts.

It’s pretty crazy and I’m glad the fans are trying to nurture the franchise after Lego disowned it extremely hard.


"remeber the one commercial with the song"

WHICH ONE THOUGH!? theres like several with that early 2000's rock music (my only guess is creeps from the deep is the bionicle commercial they were talking about)


I should side on bionicle cause it was my roots for the longest time, but gunpla hits different. Both have an incredible range for imagination to bloom, but sitting down to cut, sand, paint, and build everything makes for a more intimate experience imo. Also it doesn’t help I got into it sometime after the original run ended


"The song" was probably Move Along by The All-American Rejects


started with lego hero factory, Now? im with the MG Gundam Barbatos


From crashing to realizing gravity does hurt to going deep into the abyss for a golden mask. Yeah, I remember something about those commercials.


My family was a bionicle family. I never really got into Gundam until a few months ago (currently working my way thru ZZ). Heavily considering getting into gunpla, but I know it will never activate the dopamine receptors the same way bionicle did.

To give you an idea: takanuva's bike, the Ussanui, used rahkshi torsos with unused bulb parts, so I used the back one to make a mannable turret seat that used a technic projectile launcher (the one with the rubber heads). I also modded my og Makuta by giving him ninjago wings, a red mata gearbox for his arms, and a red shadow hand like he had in legends of metru nui. I also got a gold krahkaan and used it to make a big toa/being of death called mavis. He also had a big scyth.

Something I am considering to this day is getting a muwaka for mavis, possible to ride (because he was a rahkshi hunter) and a manaas crab for my makuta (with leash too). Would have been epic.

Edit: my dad lately has been referring to our bionicles as "mata-nuis" lol.


"You remember the Bionicle commercial with the song?"

it down!


Guy really tried to shoutout "Move Along" by the All-American Rejects, and got shot down 😭


You talking about Hero, Move Along, Creeping in My Soul, Crashed, Gravity Hurts, or Piraka Rap?


Start the liking gundam with the freedom SD kit back then, and proceed to watch the anime gundam seed and became fans to the franchise since then


my history : started with bionicle and discovered sd models, specially the sd bb unicord, i still have him, and then on xmas 2019 i got my first mg (and i already had some gundams, like 9 ) im kinda sad about the gunpla shortage, but hey, when you like to do something and theres not that thing you want you gotta stop and wait (im happy to hear that some streamers already knew gundams and bionicles before they were famous )


On Mata Nui I will never sleep on Bionicle.
