How words affect us... and our cells

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Jackson Drew explores the impact of positive and negative words on ourselves and others.

What if the words we say to ourselves and others impact not just our feelings, but our physiology? As Jackson Drew explains, our brains are wired to respond more favorably to positive words. And in this delightful talk, Jackson gives us a peek into his fun experiment gauging the impact of positive and negative words and urges us to adopt a more encouraging vocabulary to help us achieve our goals.

TED-Ed, TED's education initiative, inspires tomorrow's TED speakers and future leaders by supporting students in discovering, developing and sharing their big ideas in the form of short, TED-style talks. In the TED-Ed Student Talk program, students work together to discuss and celebrate creative ideas through

This presentation was completed by participating in a TED-Ed program and produced independently of the TED Conferences. Only approved participants are able to upload TED-Ed Student Talks.

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