Stop Trading Time for Money: How to Define Your Enough Point | Jenna Kutcher | Chase Jarvis LIVE
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In this clip, Jenna talks about the mistake of abandoning what has gotten you to where you are in pursuit of where you want to go. She emphasizes the importance of defining your "enough point" and not obligating yourself to anything beyond that point so that you can use your time to be creative and explore. Jenna shares how she cut back to earning $50k a year and found that it allowed her to explode the next aspect of her business, the digital side, because suddenly she had the time again to imagine and create.
Some topics we explore in the full episode:
- the power of the digital online space
- Jenna's journey from a corporate job to becoming a successful wedding photographer
- The importance of buying back your time
- Tow Jenna grew her podcast and online courses
- The importance of perseverance and hard work
- and much more
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Chase Jarvis is well known as a visionary photographer, fine artist and entrepreneur. Chase is cited as one of the most influential photographers of the past decade. As an entrepreneur, Chase created Best Camera - the world's first mobile photo app to share images direct to social networks - sparking the global photo sharing craze. He is currently the founder & CEO of CreativeLive, the world's largest live-streaming online education company, having delivered more than a billion minutes of free live education worldwide.