Interview de Franziska Brantner, porte-parole pour les affaires européennes du parti vert allemand
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On n’arrivera pas à sauver cette planète si on n’engage pas toute la société » : Franziska Brantner, porte-parole pour les affaires européennes du parti vert en Allemagne. Elle est également membre de l'Assemblée parlementaire franco-allemande. Notre rédacteur-en-chef Frederic Göldner a profité de la dernière semaine en stage au Bundestag afin de lui poser quelques questions.
"We will not be able to save this planet if we don't engage the whole society”: Franziska Brantner, Green Party spokesperson on EU affairs in Germany. She is also a member of the Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly. Our editor-in-chief, Frederic Göldner, asked her a few questions during the last week of his internship at the Bundestag (in French).
"We will not be able to save this planet if we don't engage the whole society”: Franziska Brantner, Green Party spokesperson on EU affairs in Germany. She is also a member of the Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly. Our editor-in-chief, Frederic Göldner, asked her a few questions during the last week of his internship at the Bundestag (in French).