Jigsaw learning method

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Jigsaw is a Cooperative learning strategy.
This method is called Jigsaw because each learner becomes responsible for a part of the content like a puzzle, complementing each other in learning the entire content.

How do you implement a jigsaw strategy?
Step 1: Divide learners into groups of 4 to 6 people per group.
Step 2: Divide your content into 4 to 6 chunks.
Step 3: Assign one chunk of content to each person in the Jigsaw Group.
Step 4: Have learners meet in Expert Groups. ( Within each Expert Group, learners compare their ideas and work together to prepare some presentations to give to their Jigsaw Groups.)
Step 5: Learners return to Jigsaw Groups. ( where each learner takes a turn presenting their chunk of information.)
So learners ensure that their teammate has learned the entire content because all members have the same grade.
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