The Servant Song with lyrics
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Sung as part of worship at BSLC on October 11th
God instead of being served, came to serve. He gave his life as a ransomed for many. We are called to be as Christ to those around us. This can be hard for many reason, both that we need the reminder to serve and that means letting others serve us.
We lift up our song of praise to God remembering that both are needed.
We give thanks to those at our church who help produce this song for worship.
God instead of being served, came to serve. He gave his life as a ransomed for many. We are called to be as Christ to those around us. This can be hard for many reason, both that we need the reminder to serve and that means letting others serve us.
We lift up our song of praise to God remembering that both are needed.
We give thanks to those at our church who help produce this song for worship.