Laravel 10 multi auth. Redirect users and admins to different pages. Using Laratrust authentication.

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Laravel 10 multi auth project with source code.
In this video I show how to create laravel 10 multi authentication for users like Admin, User, Student, Teacher.... In the previous video we have created a Laravel 10 CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) project. For this laravel 10 authentication I use Laratrust package. We show different page for admin and user, and show different menu for admin and for user. This multi auth system works with Laravel 10 jetstream, and with Laravel Breeze. After the laravel admin and user login we redirect them to different pages. We using laravel roles and permissions as well.
00:00 Intro
00:31 Laravel 10 Role Permission
02:09 Install Laratrust roles and permisson management package for Laravle 10
11:15 Assign user to admin or user Role (Assign user to a role)
15:35 Using Laratrust Administration Panel to manage roles and permissions in laravel 10 project
17:25 Show and Hide menu item for user with different roles and permissions
#laravel #laravelauthentication
#Laravel10MuliAuth #Laravel10RolesPermissions #Laratrust #LaravelAuthentication
In this video I show how to create laravel 10 multi authentication for users like Admin, User, Student, Teacher.... In the previous video we have created a Laravel 10 CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) project. For this laravel 10 authentication I use Laratrust package. We show different page for admin and user, and show different menu for admin and for user. This multi auth system works with Laravel 10 jetstream, and with Laravel Breeze. After the laravel admin and user login we redirect them to different pages. We using laravel roles and permissions as well.
00:00 Intro
00:31 Laravel 10 Role Permission
02:09 Install Laratrust roles and permisson management package for Laravle 10
11:15 Assign user to admin or user Role (Assign user to a role)
15:35 Using Laratrust Administration Panel to manage roles and permissions in laravel 10 project
17:25 Show and Hide menu item for user with different roles and permissions
#laravel #laravelauthentication
#Laravel10MuliAuth #Laravel10RolesPermissions #Laratrust #LaravelAuthentication
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