How has no one figured this out yet....?

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The bat signal is a dead give away in Batman Returns #shorts

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He is the only detective in gotham. Even a simple clue is too hard for a regular gothamer


Ignoring stuff in Gotham is super easy, barely an inconvenience


Bruce’s explanation “no I’m not Batman, I just like to be notified when the poor people are in crisis.


"This is now a safe city. I have punched a penguin into prision."


Tim Burton: whoops
Michael Keaton: whoopsie!


"Wouldn't that make it extremely easy for people to figure out who Batman is?"
"Super easy, barely an inconvenience"


Bruce Wayne: "I'm not Batman, it's entirely a sex thing."


If the bat signal shines up to the clouds like a spotlight, where's the first mirror? In the cloud?


I feel like connecting an additional wire to the switch of the searchlight that sends a signal to Batman would have been way cheaper and simpler. But then again, he is a billionaire.


I love this Batman Returns featuring Batman every once in awhile. . .


If superman can get away with wearing glasses, batman can be allowed this one 😂😂


It's not just your writing & performance but the timing of the edit LOLOL!!!


Gotham: Let him Cook. Also he owns Us.


Figuring Batman's identity is super easy, barely an inconvenience! xD


Dr. Strange did a spell for Screen Rant so Pitch Meetings will have their own channel, but Screen Rant kept asking for changes and now the spell opened a portal so these #shorts show up from another universe. If we don't close this portal the unsubscribing will be hitherto undreamt of.


YES! i rewatched all the batman films lately cause i’m a fanboy and thought of that exact thing when i came to batman: returns.


I just realized that even Adam West Batman makes more sense than this - he just gets a phone call.



Producer Guy: So… you have a YouTube Shorts idea for me?

Writer Guy: Yes sir I do!

Producer Guy: Great! What do you have for me?

Writer Guy: What if we take our old popular videos and cut them down and repost them in short segments on a new channel?

Producer Guy: Hm… Eh, wouldn’t that get repetitious and our devoted fans would be mad that we are just…literally recycling our old content?

Writer Guy: For cash!

Producer Guy: Huh?

Writer Guy: For cash! I left out the best part. We are recycling our old content, for our angry devoted fans, and being repetitious, FOR CASH!

Producer Guy: Oh wow wow wow, wow. I DID miss the best part of that! I love Cash!

Writer Guy: Oh I know you do sir!

Producer Guy: It’s almost like when you said Cash my opinion just…shifted and the idea instantly became… genius!

Writer Guy: That IS the way creativity in Hollywood works, sir!

Producer Guy: All in!

Writer Guy: All in sir?

Producer Guy: ALL IN. All in, all in, all in! Let’s go all in on this with hardly ANY new content on the new channel and just post A TON of these cash grabs.

Writer Guy: You mean YouTube Shorts sir?

Producer Guy: What did I say?

Writer Guy: You got it sir. I’ll get it done right away! For the titles- should we go with the same titles as the longer videos so that our devoted fans know going into it that they have already seen it, they won’t get upset, and they can avoid watching it again, or-

Producer Guy: NO! no no no no no! No. New titles, deceptively leading them to click the new video, looking for new content. Then- they’re frustrated when they see an old recycled video, when they already clicked!

Writer Guy: But… why would we do that sir?

Producer Guy: I just told you. Because they clicked! I got MY check, ching ching! Cash in my pocket!

Writer Guy: Ah, I see! That is Super Easy, Barely an Inconvenience, sir! I’ll make that change!

Producer Guy: Great! Wow… so we do hardly ANY work, for a lot of profit, and the upset fans will continue to watch the videos anyway…

Writer Guy: That IS the plan sir! I’ll make these changes right away and get the shorts uploaded! New channel, here we come!

Producer Guy: Love it. But I believe it’s pronounced…new “Chanel”… my wife is always ordering from there…

Writer Guy: Oh, um, no sir… I was speaking about the new separate “channel” not the luxury brand “Chanel”…

Producer Guy: Oh right- yes yes of course- The new channel with the cash grabs! Let’s do it! I doubt ANY fan would ever post an angry comment, or be brutally sarcastic in the comment section, over a short video clip!

Writer Guy: Right? Could you imagine sir? They love our content! It simply cannot go wrong!

ARTICLE POPS UP: “Pitch Meeting fans upset over new YouTube Shorts”.


I've got one for you.

In Back to the Future III, when Marty first enters 1885, his DeLorean's fuel line is ruptured and all the gas leaks out. Fair enough.
Then, Doc Brown, a man who invented a time machine, states that "there will not be a gas station here for the next 50 years."

So, to be clear, a man that invented a TIME MACHINE, can't figure out how make a carburetor run on straight alcohol (moonshine.)

"Here, take this screwdriver, and turn that screw right there. Now, pour moonshine into the gas tank."

No? Okay, we'll go with your idea of converting a whole fking train.


With about $30 and an Amazon account you could burn down Batman's house with a laser pointer.
