Easy Gym Management Software: Create Workout & Diet Plans, Book Group Classes & More

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Master the essentials of managing client profiles with Easy Gym Management Software! This tutorial covers creating and managing profiles, sending QR links, tracking attendance, and more to provide a personalized gym experience.

🔹 In This Tutorial, You Will Learn:

Creating & Managing Client Profiles 📝:

Profile Setup: Step-by-step instructions on creating detailed client profiles to tailor their gym experience.
Exploring Profile Sections: Dive into each section of the client profile, including Billing & Payment, Communication, Attendance, Anthropometrics, Workout Plan, Diet/Nutrition Plan, Documents, and Bookings for comprehensive client management.
Sending QR URL Links 📲:

Effortless Sharing: Learn how to send QR URL links via SMS and email to improve client convenience for check-ins and accessing gym services.
Attendance Tracking 📅:

Marking Attendance: Discover how to seamlessly mark attendance and track member activity to ensure accurate records and improve engagement.
RFID Access Control 🛡️:

Registering RFID Numbers: Understand how to register RFID numbers for secure access control, enhancing the security and convenience of your gym’s entry system.
Deleting Client Profiles ❌:

Managing Profiles: Learn the proper procedure for deleting client profiles when necessary, ensuring your records remain current and relevant.
💡 Why Watch?
This tutorial is ideal for gym owners, managers, and staff looking to optimize client management, streamline operations, and enhance overall gym efficiency with Easy Gym Management Software.

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