Guitar Hero 3 - 'Through The Fire and Flames' Expert 100% FC (988,582)

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Through The Fire and Flames - DragonForce

It finally happened. TTFAF FC, nearly 12 years after playing this song for the first time. GH3 FGFC. 70/70. This is my best FC.

For a long time, I thought I would never be able to FC this song. I remember the day in 2008 when iamchris4life got the first ever FC of this song, and I thought it was the greatest thing ever done in this game (which it was, at the time). Everybody knows Through The Fire and Flames. It is infamous for how difficult it is, and everybody who has ever played this game wanted to at least be able to pass this song, let alone get 5 stars, let alone hit 100% of the notes on expert. FCing TTFAF is every GH player's dream, and I just accomplished it.

By today's standards in the year 2019, this FC is pretty entry-level for top-tier players. In recent years, I purposefully stayed away from playing this song on GH3PC and Clone Hero because I really wanted my first FC of this song to be on console. FCing this song on GH3PC or Clone Hero is much easier due to having 100's or 1,000's of frames instead of just 60, and Clone Hero has a much more lenient engine. An FC of TTFAF on Clone Hero isn't even close to the difficulty of FCing TTFAF on console. Also, since I like going for high scores to post on Scorehero, I kinda needed to FC this on original hardware so the score would be legit.

All in all, I've probably played this song thousands of times over the years- gradually improving over time, reaching new skill ceilings. There was a time where I was extremely excited that I was able to hit over 700K. There was a time where I my high score was 823K. There was a long period of time where my highest score was 940K. And now here we are. I'm extremely happy that I was finally able to FC this song, and I have loads of clips of me missing in various areas. I could probably make a small montage of the worst misses if you guys want to see them.

Anyways, this leaves me at 658/660 songs FC'd for the Full Series FC. All I have left is the Smash Hits version of TTFAF and I'm The One on GH Van Halen. I'm leaning toward TTFAF happening before I'm The One tbh, but I'll have to get to work and see what I can get done.

One last thing- major shoutouts to the following people for showing up in my stream the other night, cheering me on, sharing tips, and just for being some good friends in the small community of people who still play and squeeze GH games:

Oh, and if you wanna see me breaking my GH3 disc, here's the link to that. I've made it unlisted now that this vid is out:

My Scores:
Рекомендации по теме

I’ll still never get over how people can do this


You know a guitar hero song is hard asf when it's possible to get a 500 note streak 45 seconds in


You’ve officially cemented your place as a guitar hero legend. Congrats


Fun fact: If you play GH3 on Wii or PS2, the loading screen message merely says
*"Good luck"*

Biggest video game understatement ever.


Even though years ago this was the biggest achievement to get, in 2019 it still amazes me to watch people fc this, fantastic job!


"This is Through The Fire and Flames."
"Dear God!"
"There's more."


Dude you seriously went through the fire and flames and carried on


The stuff of legends back then… if someone could pull this off everyone’s crowding around the TV to witness


They weren't kidding when the game said "YOU'RE A *ROCK LEGEND!"*


This just shows how good Guitar Hero III is. Like literally, if people are still playing it 10+ years later then you know you've released an amazing game. Congrats on the FC! (Two years later, lol)


I think every guitar hero can retire when they FC this song....that's the Ultimate goal back then and still is dude 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👌


6:40 and the ending is AMAZING that’s my FAVORITE part of the song


The star power usage was perfectly timed too. I was really hoping to see the score enter the seven digit range, but I think this is as close as it optimally gets in GH3


Es lo mas jodidamente épico que eh visto en años, carajo que canción mas emocionante


Do you remember back when I said when's the ttfaf FC? Was that inspiring lol


That was a masterpiece. He rocks too hard because he’s not a mortal man!


Your entire life has led up to this moment


I always come back to this video every once in a while simply because of how impressive something like this is. My high score on this song is about 715k and it just amazes me that a perfect run is possible. I have so much respect for anyone who has put in the time and effort to achieve this.


There’s no words to describe how awesome and amazing this is. You’ve earned it.


I have a doubt the scenario should not be different in this mode, just in the quic play mode, which has this scenario?
