Mikrotik hAP AX2 quick router review and electronics

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I just received my router about 3 months ahead of my estimated ship date so I'm pretty excited. I only use this as a home wireless access point and a few ethernet cables to my game system and cell spot. It's a nice upgrade from my original hAP AC model. Someone on an online forum got me into Mikrotik many years ago, starting with their RB951G-2HnD model, then my hAP AC and now finally the hAP AX2. My first two have been rock solid stable which is why I love this brand so much for home routers. Big box routers need constant reboots which is crazy! Some models even have a "reboot nightly" option, and to me, this is insane. With these, you never need to reboot, the internet stays up, and I hope the AX2 will follow the same path.
As a home user, I don't know many of the advance settings, but I would love to learn how to update the firewall better. There are countless settings though, and out of the box works great with quickset and a few small tweaks such as frequency settings. It runs wifiwave2 out of the box. I know it can do IPv6, but I don't have this set up because it needs better firewall rules also from what I understand, and I don't want anything open where I can be easily hacked. The wireless signal is really good for such a small box, it's the same as my hAP AC as far I can tell, reaches everywhere I need it to around the house and to my outside wireless cameras. The inside seems to be built really well, the PCB and heatsink are solid and sturdy. There is now a hAP AX3 which is releasing, but I'll stick to this one since it works for everything I need it to. Love having wifi6 finally after all this time, but waiting for a Mikrotik version was worth it and I wouldn't have really benefited from it before anyways.
As a home user, I don't know many of the advance settings, but I would love to learn how to update the firewall better. There are countless settings though, and out of the box works great with quickset and a few small tweaks such as frequency settings. It runs wifiwave2 out of the box. I know it can do IPv6, but I don't have this set up because it needs better firewall rules also from what I understand, and I don't want anything open where I can be easily hacked. The wireless signal is really good for such a small box, it's the same as my hAP AC as far I can tell, reaches everywhere I need it to around the house and to my outside wireless cameras. The inside seems to be built really well, the PCB and heatsink are solid and sturdy. There is now a hAP AX3 which is releasing, but I'll stick to this one since it works for everything I need it to. Love having wifi6 finally after all this time, but waiting for a Mikrotik version was worth it and I wouldn't have really benefited from it before anyways.