Macron's NEW EUROPE includes the UK & Ukraine

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A new European Political Community for all European democracies? How will this work next to existing institutions such as the Council of Europe, EU, Schengen Area, Single Market, European Economic Area and the Eurozone? And which countries will join this new community? Ukraine, Moldova, Turkey and possible the United Kingdom? And what about the Inner Six (Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg) that may want to integrate further?
Emannuel Macron claims that a new Europe is necessary to face global crises, such as COVD and Putin's aggression in Ukraine. This video will analyze how this new Community will work within the existing constructs we have today.

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Research & Sources
Source 1: TLDR EU News, How Does Europe Fit Together

Source 2: BBC, Free trade area, single market, customs union - what's the difference?

Source 3: Economics, Difference between Europes Customs Union and Single Market

Source 4: Council of Europe, Homepage

Source 5: BBC, European Political Community

Source 6: France24, Macron calls for a multi speed europe

Source 7: Etiasvisa, Croatia Schengen Area

Source 8: European Commission, Single Market

Source 9: European Commission, Euro Area

Source 10: European Council, EU Customs

Source 11: France24, Macron’s European Political Community
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As a Spaniard, it would make me pretty sad if we weren’t included in the Tier 4 level of integration. We’ve consistently polled as the most pro-EU country in the union for decades and most of us would definitely support closer co-operation in education, defence, fiscal policy…


As a Norwegian I can confirm that we are indeed special. The wise can discuss if this means we are especially awesome or mentally challenged, but I like to think we are both.


Keep up the great work! This is honestly the most concise, informative and actually useful coverage of the EU for anyone who's coming into all this knowing very little.


This is a very old idea, I remember it being discussed in a seminar my ex gf took at uni in the early 2000s. Back then it was called “Europe of the various speeds” (an awkward translation of the German original). I think it is a great idea, because there has been a consistent wish by some countries to grow more closely together while others don't want further integration.


As the child of an Albanian immigrant to the United States I am always glad to have more information on the European Union. I’m trying to learn about Europe and the Union so I can integrate back into Europe when I leave America. Thank you for the content sir.


As a Swede who is pro eu but not sure about a federated eu this sounds like a really good idea.


American here, although not in EU I'd say a multi-tiered system although complex, would allow a more gradual accession that can help bring members up to speed to federation if wanted, especially so that new countries may not get 'EU-shock' for despite being a new country in EU, can veto something put on by more senior member states


As dual citizen of two WB6 countries I believe the political community would make so much sense if it was a first step - marker for joining the EU Council. Anyway, loved the diagrams and the breaking down.


It's great I found your channel. Especially for the size you already deliver a high production value and relatively frequent uploads of interesting topics. Keep on the good work!


I like how you layout the options and solutions for how the system could work. I feel a lot of other discussions never tackle the methodology of what eu integration would look like


If Spain is not in the first tier, I will go from "very pro-european" to "anti-european" in a heartbeat.


Great video. I just noticed your channel saw two of your videos and joined the channel.
You are doing a fantastic job, very helpful to make people understand the EU. This is key before the upcoming elections for the EP.


The only problem is adding multiple tiers and integrating the army at the same time. With recent events, many smaller countries would be afraid of being second tier priority as well.


I’m currently taking an online course from Sciences Po called ‘Geopolitics of Europe’. If it wasn’t for your YouTube videos, I’d be sunk. Thanks! ❤


As the Americans would say, God bless the E.U.


Just because there are different cultures, doesn't mean we can't have a federal system based on subsidiarity that still protects and nurtures cultural differences. All Europeans share the same core values. We are all democracies. We all share the ideals of liberty and self-determination. A federal EU would not decide over local and regional matters, as those must be individually decided on the national, regional and local level. But when looking at the big five topics of the military, foreign affairs, climate change, social security and economy (including especially uniform taxes to prevent tax-heavens), these are most efficiently handled on a subranational, European level.

How can France's and Italy's 40.000 tonnes carriers compete in Asia with the 80.000 to 100.000 tonnes supercarriers of China or the US? How can the Netherlands combat climate change by creating one of the most efficient public transport systems in the world, while Germany has phased out nuclear in favour of Russian gas for decades? How can we prevent the brain drain in East Europe because Polish workers want to migrate to Germany and France due to better healthcare, minimum wage and job security?

They can't do it alone.

The EU's navies should not develop and build 20 different types of frigates but buy a single type with half the costs, while getting the funding to build our own carrier fleet that makes us a hard power in the world and independent of the US.

Germany shouldn't have been allowed to depend so much on Russian gas, which increased our climate foot print and funds Russia's military in the Ukrainian War. It should have instead invested in cooperation with Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands in more Wind Parks in the North and Baltic Sea while building an integrated energy grid that allows unreliable green energy to be shared with the south of Europe in the winter, when there is less sun for photovoltaic.

At the same time, the minimum wage in Poland and Hungary should be the same as in Italy or Germany, so that Polish people are not incentivied to leave their home country and culture. The very fact that there is no uniform social policy in Europe leads to cultural degradation, as cultures with less stable economies and states are migrating to other European countries and thus, due to large scale integration, lose their heritage and culture.

The European way of life, as diverse as our cultures are, is based on a small number of values that make Europe Europe.

The European ideal of pluralism, diversity and self-determination makes us the most democratic region in the world with the greatest human and civil liberties, freedom of movement, voting rights, diversity of democratic systems and opportunities to voice your opinion. In foreign affairs, these ideals are now threatened more than ever by a declining American democracy and China's rise to power, which creates the necessity to have more than just our world renowned soft power and diplomatic relationships, but also the hard power and true independence in a multipolar world.

The European ideal of innovation and scientific discovery make us one of the strongest economies with many revolutionary inventions. Yet, Europeans always preferred a regulated social capitalism (DE: "Soziale Makrtwirtschaft") over the US' model of free trade and unregulated inequality, which has made Europe an economic super power for centuries while creating the highest quality of life as a region.

The European enlightened ideal of education, debate and information transfer makes us one of the most environmentally aware people in the world who achieved the greatest successes in green policy worldwide and have the most ambitious goals.

That's why we need a federal EU.


Why do Americans always include Turkey on the maps of Europe? Geography is not your field


I can agree with a multi-tiered EU as long as it's done in a way where a member can, through the benefits of sharing common ideals and trade, "level up" but not if it's made in a way where there will always be the same members at the top feeding off the lower tiers.


These give interesting ideas to think about


tbh i think it makes sense on multiple layers, since we want to have more unified response on world stage crisis. Also, we want to increase integration and efficiency so having the Inner six integrate more like the US is makes sense to me. And those interested and willing should be able to join if their prerequisites and desire is there. Tis also makes it possible for some to only integrate on a economical level while other join more on a policy, political or even shared infrastructure level.
