How to use Printf with STM32 Microcontroller- Serial Wire Viewer (SWV)

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Learn how to use printf with STM32 microcontroller using STM32CubeIDE. We’ll debug STM32 using ST-LinkV2 Debugger on STM32 Nucleo Board. We’ll use Serial Wire Viewer (SWV) of STM32 MCU. As all ARM Cortex-M3+ microcontroller supports SWO and SWV feature. Printf style debugging is very popular with STM32 Microcontrollers.
00:00 Introduction
00:18 Altium Free Trial
00:42 Create STM32 Project
02:47 add ITM_SendChar
05:21 write printf function
07:20 Debug Settings
07:57 Add printf in program
08:50 SWV ITM Data Console
09:00 Configure trace SWV Settings
09:22 Start trace
09:42 Output on SWV Console
12:25 outro
00:00 Introduction
00:18 Altium Free Trial
00:42 Create STM32 Project
02:47 add ITM_SendChar
05:21 write printf function
07:20 Debug Settings
07:57 Add printf in program
08:50 SWV ITM Data Console
09:00 Configure trace SWV Settings
09:22 Start trace
09:42 Output on SWV Console
12:25 outro
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