Design Cinema – EP 89 - Just Draw!

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Going back to the basics - just draw!

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Hey! I started watching your videos several years ago, when I was still in university. They motivated me so much that I dropped out and spent days and days watching and drawing. Today I'm a concept artist at Ubisoft (albeit a junior) and I've worked on ACO, its DLC and several other big projects. I just want to thank you, because all that I can and all that I have achieved by now is mostly due to your tutorials and your words of encouragement.
PS: Don't worry about the length of the video.


I started drawing almost 3 years ago, from ground zero, without no knowledge or education in art. For these past three years I started learning and you were one of the best resources out there. Last month I made my first money and I'm proud of it. So thank you, for everything you have done for the art community.


I dont think students understand just how important this guy is. He is teaching you amazing things. What a great human!


I'm glad you talked about confidence in drawing. I don't think many people realize how closely related results are with the amount of enjoyment an artist gets during the process. It shows. I have experienced it first hand. I've put so much pressure on myself to make my drawings look like a certain way, match someone else's style, get stuff looking perfect and it made me feel like maybe I just don't have the 'talent' for it. It makes you afraid to do it and that's just not helpful. And I agree with what you said, your drawings will develop over time, coupled with knowledge and practice, and your 'style' will come out on its own as long as you keep doing it. So just draw, let your mind wander ... enjoy it.


I come back to this video whenever I feel stuck and a little lost with my studies. It always put me right on track to learn and enjoy doing studies again. Thank you!!


I love how enthusiastic he is about the reference material. Cool, awesome, badass rocks skulls, and huts. 😀👍


oh man Feng, these videos bring me back to when i first stared. I'm working as a studio concept artist now, switched over from engineering, all because of the journey i started with these videos.


This was the first video of FZD I watched and because of this video, I became the artist that I wanted to be and would have never gotten where I am if I hadn’t found this video and channel. This video is what made me want to draw more. Thank you Feng!


Maybe this might help, and I am probably late saying this but for beginners out there whether you’re even 27+, and you’re interested in drawing. Just draw. Keep it loose and rough, use a small book, and draw either some individual bits or scenery. Don’t aim for the whole outlook. The main thing is just putting pen on paper. I’m gonna tell you, it will look whack, especially any 3D drawings you try 😂. But trust me, Iv been doing this on and off for 1-2 years and I can assure you my drawing is still bad but I can make sense of it and it’s getting a better.


I watched 70% of videos on this channel and all your Gnomon tutorials. I think this video is the most valuable you ever made for beginners or people who are not happy with their skill level. You just killed all my excuses for not being good enough and you gave me tools on how to improve myself. This video is so valuable that it feels like it shouldn't be free :D


Man everytime I need motivation I com here again, over and over, please keep going with the videos, make a video about fundamentals make something, you are my favorite teacher online.


Glad to see you back! The topic of just drawing and not worrying about skill level, equipment, or social media is all too important. People make it more complicated than it is. Like they have to be DaVinci or Rembrandt on the first try or have to have the latest Cintiq to draw. That's no way to approach anything yet art has this reputation of being something magical and only certain people born with this magical thing can do art. What I love about FZD and the concept design profession is that they show that drawing is a technical skill that anybody with a drive for learning can become competent and great at. It's all about that love of drawing regardless of anything else. Without the desire to draw and learn at the core of your practice, you'll be miserable and it will show. Stop worrying, get a bic pen, a cheap sketchbook and draw for yourself. Relax and have fun!


Hit me right in the gut with the statement of 'excuses'. It was something I have always been doing my entire life and never admitted to myself that I was procrastinating till I have started watching your videos. Thank you!


I think everyone would be glad to see that 3hrs of you drawing


Thanks for a new episode! I personally wouldn't mind watching 3- 4 hours long episodes if you happen to record these in the future ^^


I'm doing plenty of bad drawings and observing them not just to improve but i'm attempting to break my self worth towards things and place my self worth on just my imagination rather than the quality. Thank you very much FZD!


I have been a visual effects person since 1985. Started out on stages shooting models and matte paintings, live action, now into compositing and 3D generalist. Have a BFA from USC.
I am watching your videos and they are AWESOME! Every so often I go back to basics. I take time to just go over basic knowledge and find those little things that keep one inspired. I ll never consider myself “senior” despite my experience. I stay open to learning. Your videos are helpful and I think you present well. Just draw is the right thing to do and I appreciate how you tell about not being afraid of making mistakes and just get drawing.

Thank you for doing these and making it available! I m going to (slowly) get through all your videos.


When I feel stuck and lost I watch this. Always gets me drawing again. Thanks for this.


Hey Feng,
I wanted to express just how helpful Design Cinema has been in my development as an artist. I really loved this episode in particular because of the practical advice that I was able to implement right away. I really appreciate your time in creating these videos and giving me (and the rest of your audience) some really amazing information.


Finally! Really missed your episodes sir Feng!

Just wanted to say that your videos really helped me a lot back then(and even now!) on growing up, and finding who I am as an artist, so for that, I'm really really thankful sir. <3
