How to Build a Dock with Dock Pontoons

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I have been in the resort business for over 20 years, and like any other resort owner, dock maintenance is one of the biggest challenges we face. Our operation consists of 2 Drive-In Resorts and over 20 Fly-In Outpost Camps, so we have a lot of docks to deal with. We have used the blue Styrofoam billets for years for flotation, and after a short period of time the foam becomes saturated with water, as well as the animals chew holes in it. It can also crack up when subjected to prolonged strong winds. When using Styrofoam or plastic billets for flotation, you have to make sure you build a structure strong enough to hold in the flotation and keep everything together in rough waters.

When using Dock Pontoons, it is the opposite idea, as your pontoons give you the strength to keep the dock rigid and because they are round, there is very little resistance to the wave action. All you have to do is build an inexpensive and light deck to complete your dock. There is no expensive 2 x 10 material required, and the pontoons keep your lumber out of the water to ensure extended life of your dock. These docks are very easy to assemble, taking around 2 hours per dock at the most. You can build any configuration you want with ease, using as many pontoons as you want. The cost of the pontoons may be a little more, but when you consider the ease of construction and the little amount of lumber needed, it is definitely the way to go for us.
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I like the fact you Can have a nice long dock without jetting in big wooden poles . This totally changes my plan to not use jetted wooden poles


local suppliers will most likely carry end caps for that black corrugated HDPE pipe. Sometimes they use them in construction for temporary caps. That pipe typically comes in 20 ft lengths.


That ADS pipe is thin and those cables will wear holes in the pipes in wave action. How are they sealing those caps onto those pipes ? Most sure way is to foam the insides of the pipes. One hole and it fills with water and sinks.


Is this system strong enough to hold a 14m x 5m houseboat on top?


Plastic Lumber would be a great use here!


HI..I"m in Texas.. love the design and simplicity.. question.. how do you cap the ends of the tubes?


How much weight will one section hold up?


Do you need to build those supports that you have attached to the U-bolts? Could you not just space the joists so that they are resting directly on the floats? similar to what you'd see if you were using barrels? then the weight would be spread the entire length of the float and on both sides of the float. What do you think?


Can you add water to semi ballast the dock. Semi ballasted floats dramatically increase stability. ?.


Hi I came a cross your video using pvc pipe to make a dock, I need to know about using this system to float a house of 16 x 32 feet.It will be on a lake most of the year until, the Ms.river gives us a high water let run up and down on collared pole.


What size around are the culverts, the end caps, how are they attached so the lake ice doesn't detach them from the culvert as i will be letting them freeze in during winter. also how stable are they, i've walked on other docks made of plastic pvc pipe and sank the corner when 2 adults were standing together.


Thanks for sharing can u share the info were to buy the tube and the end cab


Hi there! Really like your idea....and i am wonderring, do you need to silicone the end caps before inserting them ? 😀


No the property was bought in 1972 no one had ever seen water levels like we have today .Since the purchase the corp of engineers has built a lot of riprap wiers on both sides sides of us, the river has filled in between them with sand and the water has no place to go but up causing floods every year. But this is progt


Is it compulsory to use tubes under woods? Can't we just use thick wood?


Thanks for the video. Lots of good clear details. I will have to try to find where you got those pontoons. They look like culvert pipe with closed ends.


I didn't catch what is used to plug the pipe ends. Anyone know?


Hi I sent you message 5 days ago about useing these pvc pipes to float a camp 16 x 32, if you sent me an answer I did not get it. Also I planed to use 3 runs of 24 inch or what ever you would recommend, thank you for anything you could share with me.


We are wondering how your dock is secured. Do you use anchors & chains? Or pipes to secure the dock? Thank you for anyone who can answer!


How do you get the poles into the sand?
