Top 5 BEST EARLY Constellations You SHOULD GO FOR!! | Genshin Impact

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Some characters have their power locked behind their constellations, but they have to be close enough to reasonably obtain. In today's video, we cover the Top 5 Best Early Constellations that you should go for as a Free to Play Player, without using too many primogems.

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00:00 Introduction
00:37 Disclaimer (Watch before you pull!!)
01:32 Number 5
02:15 Number 4
02:46 Number 3
03:52 Number 2
04:29 Honourable Mentions
05:12 Number 1
06:38 Outro

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Great guide that covers some of the most powerful constellations. It's just sad that constellations aren't very F2P friendly but the ones you mentioned are definitely worth considering even for F2Ps.

I'm pulling for Hu Tao in the upcoming patch and I'll try to see if I can go for her C1. Only gonna try for a 50/50 for her constellation though.

Loved the video and am looking forward to your next video!


Great video. I'd add that as F2P or welkin spender, if you're like most people and not fanatical about a single character, it's better to ignore constelations until you get at least a bunch of essential characters that make your account versatile.
I didn't know how gacha really worked (Genshin is my first one) and kept hearing how great and essential Raiden C2 was. It's great, but far from essential. After 4 months of saving and very very lucky, medium pity 50/50s won, I got Raiden C2 one else except JohnLee and a Keqing to make her company, FOR MONTHS until I had enough primos to get another character.


Great explanation, easy to understand, great example video

You deserve a sub, very usefull for someone that want to saving for constellations they want


This video helped me a lot since I'm planning on getting Raiden and Nahida when they rerun!


I do feel the need to stress that while Ayaka and Raiden have strong c2s, their c1s are pretty bad, so you are only getting one good buff for twice the investment. Imo they are pretty bait and hurt your account overall, but if you really like the character then obviously you can go for them.

Instead I would recommend going for weapons, or for c2s or characters like Nahida or Khazuha who also have good c1s, where you get much better value for your investment.


This is a great video! 🤩 Tbh more videos like this would be amazing, because the way you explain how the constellations work and why they are good and important was perfect 🤗

So often the way the constellation info is written in the game is so confusing and a lot of other Genshin channels seem to not be able to simplify the info and explain it so clearly for constellations. Yours was perfect tho!

A video series on constellations where maybe you go element by element and kinda look at all the characters from each element and explain which constellations are most important for what characters, what they do, how it makes them better, and honestly just explain like you did for the constellations that are most confusing and hardest to just understand from reading it for the characters in each element.

Like Alhaitham for example- idk what some is those are talking about. How good they are. What they do and how they make him better. Lmao 😂

That would be amazing tbh so if you ever need video ideas then maybe something like that 🤗☺️


Loved this video man you should make one each year


I'm rly glad I watched this it makes me know what I want to save for now and understand why


great video easy to understand
also ur so close! to 3k subs
congratulations ur at currently 2.96k subs


Thanks for the video! Ill keep this in mine for future reference <3


so close to 3k subscribers i'm so happy for you


Thanks for the video!!! 🌸🎉🌟🌈💐 As a f2p I'll maybe go for some constellations on Raiden (if I don't pull for Focalors or Nahida) but I'll have to win the 50/50. I already have 90 wishes saved and by then I hope to have enough fo this 👍


Great video, and even better editing.


Nice video, but recently mihoyo change their strategy to make some character heavily reliance on c1, like wriothesley, neuvillette or furina.
Although they work just fine at c0, but on some team it matters a lot


Pretty sure Nahida c2 also enables Fav weapons to proc from the 20% crit which can be very relevant on characters that hit multiple times when on field.


This is really advice for welkin players as these are constellation for 5 star characters, to get c2 in any 5 star you need from 70x3 (if very lucky) ->90x3 intertwined fates when (and possibly not winning 50/50's which is likely). This makes getting ANY 5 star to c2 a cost of approx 320 intertwined fates which is really outside of what a f2p can manage unless you skip getting any other characters for many banners. As a f2p its much better to concentrate on getting c0 5 stars and getting 4 stars up to higher constellations to use efficiently.


next is 4stars cons if u havent made it yet if you can...
and i think u can add mona and jean honorable mentions here maybe??


im at c1 raiden going for c2, then ive been planning for nahida cons, then neuvillette cons (my fav characters just happen to be stronk)


Love your video...would like to know when us nahidah amd kazuh reruns i started game recently


Please a vid of all 5 star good early constellations.
